Spectrum example

The following Python example reads a type II PHA file, rebins the channels in each spectrum by a factor of 2, multiplies the spectrum values by 1.5, and writes out the result.

import os
from heasp import *

# read the spectrum
spectra = phaII("testin.pha")

# loop round the spectra in the file
# rebinning by a factor of 2 then placing
# in the output spectra
output = phaII()
Nspectra = spectra.getNumberSpectra()
groupInfo = grouping()

for i in xrange(Nspectra):
  spectrum = spectra.getphasElement(i)
  status = spectrum.rebinChannels(groupInfo, "PROPAGATE")
  spectrum *= 1.5

# write out the spectrum
phafile = "testout.pha"
if (os.path.exists(phafile)): os.remove(phafile)
status = output.write(phafile)
if status != 0: print("Failed to write testout.pha: status = ", status)

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Last modified: Wednesday, 28-Feb-2024 16:27:32 EST