New Features: Version 2.0.0

  • Includes default energy boundaries for most X-ray missions, including the XMM RGS, Chandra LETG and HETG, and others. The user can still select observation-specific responses if available, but the default values are adequate for all data taken straight from the archives or processed in a standard fashion.
  • Menus are now "detachable," by selecting the "-----" item at the top of each menu.
  • Line fits are now more robust. Only the brightest 20-25 lines in a spectrum will be fit, and the rest ignored. This intentional limitation on the fitting dramatically reduces fit times and increases the chance that the fit will converge. The previous approach tried to fit each line, and it tended to fail easily.
  • Line fit values are reported in units of "Total Counts", rather than peak counts. This allows the reported values to be used directly when making line ratios, since there is no dependence on line width or position.
  • Clicking on the right mouse button allows horizontal "scrolling" of the plot.
  • Multiple data sets can be loaded and used simultaneously; all datasets that have been opened are available in the Spectrum menu.
  • New Features: Version 1.0.0

  • Can now display spectra in wavelength, energy, or velocity units and can switch between all three on the fly.
  • Atomic Info button is grayed out if no line has been selected. In addition, if in energy space, the results given are in energy units.
  • Line list box now displays energy or wavelength units depending upon what is currently set in the main plot. If the main plot is in velocity units, the default value is taken from the "Preferences".
  • Type II PHA files, as used by the Chandra LETG and HETG, can now be used.
  • Tool tips are now displayed for the buttons in the button bar.
  • Plot smoothing included.
  • Stored plots can now be actively selected, or deleted.
  • Multiple spectra can be simultaneously loaded.
  • Drag/drop in the main plot can be used to zoom in or shift plots.
  • Redshifts can be applied without reloading the entire file.
  • Emissivities are now included for both ATOMDB and XSTAR databases.
  • When either fitting or looking for peaks, failures are now reported to the user.
  • New Features: Version 0.5.0

  • When labeling spectra, vertical lines are now included under the ion labels to mark the exact position of the line.
  • Expand now works after a fit.
  • The summary information window includes the value of the GRATING keyword (if present in the file) and the redshift used in displaying the data.
  • The "velocity" button is now available only after selecting an atomic line in the line list.

    New Features: Version 0.4.0

  • Now includes both the ATOMDB collisional plasma linelist and the XSTAR photoionized plasma lineslist (Thanks to Tim Kallman for providing this line list). Currently the XSTAR linelist does include estimated line strengths but these will be available soon. Which database is used when displaying lines can be selected in the "File->Prefences" menu item. The default is ATOMDB.
  • When switching to "velocity" units, Profit now defaults to a range of -3000 km/s to 3000 km/s. This can be changed in the "File->Prefences" menu item.
  • The new "Plot Highlighted" feature creates a plot collection based on stored plots. Before clicking on "Plot Highlighted", select the plots to be displayed in the stored plot box (the selected plots will show a highlighted border). Then "Plot Highlighted" will create a new window (which can be printed) with all these plots. Particularly useful in showing a collection of velocity plots, to determine if there is any systematic in line profile or position.
  • New Features: Version 0.2.1

  • The Chart command divides the currently displayed spectrum into N subspectra (N defaults to 5, but can be changed using the File->Preferences menu item) and creates a new window showing the spectra. This window has a Print button which saves the display spectra in a file. The new window must be closed before anything can be done with profit.
  • profit can now be run from any directory, or (on the Mac) run from the Finder by double-clicking on the profit.command icon.
  • Fitting lines now returns both the best-fit pararmeters as well as the error in these values. The error for each value is listed in parentheses after the value, so 10(4) is 10, plus or minus 4.
  • Fitting now works in velocity space as well as in energy space.
  • The Label Peaks command now searches the displayed spectrum for likely peaks, and then labels them using an algorithm based on the line position and strength.
  • Under the File menu item, the Preferences item now displays a list of three preferences that can be changed:
    • The Minimum Emissivity can now be changed. Each emission line has a maximum emissivity; strong lines from abundance elements such as O VII can reach emissivities as high as 1e-15 ergs cm^3/s. The ATOMDB database tracks individual lines down to a maximum emissivity of 1e-20, but profit (by default) only lists lines down to limit of 1e-18. This can be raised to limit the displayed lines, or lowered to increase the number.
    • The Redshift preference allows users to set the redshift to be applied to the spectrum. Due to some programming issues, this does not automatically apply to the loaded spectrum; rather, the next spectrum to be loaded will have this redshift applied. The spectrum is then displayed in rest-frame coordinates.
    • The number of spectra displayed after a Chart button press (see above) can be changed from the default of 5.

  • If you have any questions concerning Profit, please visit the Feedback form.

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    Last modified: Thursday, 16-Aug-2007 10:58:18 EDT