TIKE Webinars

Welcome TESS followers to a special news bulletin in which we bring to your attention a series of webinars hosted by MAST.

This summer, MAST will host six weekly, hour-long webinars on their cloud science platform, TIKE. Join them for interactive sessions on using Python to access and analyze archival …

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TESS Science conference III

Welcome TESS followers to a special news bulletin in which we bring to your attention the TESS Science conference III (TSC3).

TSC3 will take place on July 29 - August 2nd, 2024, at the Kresge Auditorium on MIT campus (Cambridge, MA, USA). TSC3 will focus on all aspects of the TESS …

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TESS Special Bulletin: Oct 30th

The TESS Science Support Center would like to draw your attention to the following events being hosted by the team at AAS 243.

  • NASA's TESS Mission Interactive Data Workshop: Saturday, January 6, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Science from the TESS Extended Mission Splinter Session: Tuesday, January 9 …
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Data Validation Products updated for Sector 66

We would like to draw to your attention the following issue with the TESS Data Validation (DV) results.

The data validation products (full- and mini-report PDFs, one-page TCE report summary PDFs, time series FITS files, and DV results XML files) for Sector 66 have been updated. The target pixel and …

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