Deadline extended for the call for community input into the TESS Extended Mission Planning

The TESS mission invites the community’s input on science cases that should be prioritized in TESS’s future extended missions. The format of requested input is a short 1-2 paragraph “science pitch” submitted via a Google Form, similar to the science pitches solicited in 2023 for the definition of the Roman Space Telescope's Core Community Surveys.

The call for community input can be found here. Please also view here the TESS team’s guide to extended mission planning, which provides information about limitations imposed by mission parameters. Submit your science pitches here by June 21, 2024.

TESS science spans many areas of astrophysics and solar system science. As such, researchers from around the world, across all career stages, positions, and types of institutions are encouraged to submit their ideas.

The TESS mission will use the science pitches to inform planning for TESS’s third extended mission and beyond. The third extended mission is expected to occur September 2025-September 2028, contingent upon the outcome of the 2025 Astrophysics Senior Review.