TESS AAS Splinter Session

Welcome TESS followers to this special news bulletin.

With the cancellation of the Winter AAS #239 meeting in January, the organizers of the splinter session titled "Science from the TESS Extended Mission", have decided to take the meeting online. This virtual event will occur on Wednesday the 16th of February at 2:00 - 4:00pm East Coast Time (11:00am - 1:00pm Pacific Time).

The agenda for this event are listed in the table below in addition to the meeting link. We hope that you can attend.

Meeting Agenda

Start Time End Time Speaker Title
2:00 2:15 George Ricker (MIT) The TESS extended mission
2:15 2:30 Malena Rice (Yale) Solar System science with TESS
2:30 2:45 Ben Shappee (University of Hawaii) The Transient Explorer Survey Satelite
2:45 3:00 May Pedersen (UCSB) Asteroseismology in the TESS era
3:00 3:15 Rebekah Hounsell (UMBC) The software and tools developed to reduce and analyze TESS data
3:15 3:30 Jennifer Burt (JPL) The plethora of planets discovered by TESS
3:30 3:45 Michelle Kunimoto (MIT) Predicting the exoplanet yield from TESS: Years 1 - 7
3:45 4:00 All speakers Question and Answer session

Meeting Link: Click this Zoom link to join the meeting.

Meeting Organizers: Avi Shporer, Rebekah Hounsell, Knicole Colon, Tom Barclay

This meeting will be recorded and posted online after the event.