TESS Input Catalog Updated

WARNING: Note that this TIC version is now outdated. You can find information on the current version of the TIC here: TIC Data Release Notes

The TESS mission is pleased to announce the release of the updated version of the TESS Input Catalog and associated documentation. TIC-6 is a compiled catalog of 700 million stars and galaxies across the whole sky. It includes positions, proper motions, parallaxes, and colors of stars, along with derived physical properties of many stars, including temperatures, masses, and radii for several million of the nearest and brightest stars in the sky. This catalog serves as the basis for selecting TESS exoplanet targets. A new version of the TIC will be released by the end of 2018 that incorporates additional catalogs, including Gaia Data Release 2.

A full description of the TIC can be found here

TIC access is available via the MAST

Users can work with a subset of the TIC using Filtergraph