
lcurve (2 Series)

Enter multiples files for each time series Multiple files for each time series can be entered using an ascii file containing the list of input filenames. This list has the following format: filenames of the individual lightcurve or event file are listed one per line and the group of files that belong to different time series are separated by three slashes. In this example lcurve is run with two time series, each with four files, so the input file list, filelist.txt, looks like the following:

Running lcurve to create light curve and hardness ratio plots The example uses the file list created above. The output lightcurve is binned with 300 seconds and data are organized in an interval with 219 points. When run with 2 time series lcurve calculates the hardness ratio. The three 300 sec bin time series, the hardness ratio and the sum of both time series are assembled in one array and passed to "PLT >" for plotting. By default lcurve prepares a plot based on the input to:

 Three plotting styles available:
 Hardness [1] ;  Intensity vs Time (or Phase) [2];
 Ratio & Intensity vs time (or Phase)[3]
Enter PLOT style number (default=1)[3] 1
however since all the calculated data are available in "PLT >" , any other plot (e.g. hardness vs time) can be obtained by using within "PLT >" the commands to turn on-off arrays.
lcurve 1.0 (xronos5.18)
Number of time series for this task[1] 2
Ser. 1 filename +options (or @file of filenames +options)[@filelist.txt] 
 Series 1 file   1:me_a63924.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6368 11:37:01.600
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6368 14:28:13.627
 No. of Rows .......        10265        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .964785340       .911577050       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 1 file   2:me_a63934.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6368 14:43:57.629
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6368 18:24:13.662
 No. of Rows .......        13209        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .983090820       .909090880       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 1 file   3:me_a63954.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6368 21:31:57.686
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6369 01:47:49.708
 No. of Rows .......        15345        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .983090820       .909918130       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 1 file   4:me_a63968.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6369 02:05:09.709
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6369 05:47:01.715
 No. of Rows .......        13305        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .945537030       .911577050       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 2 file   1:me_b63924.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6368 11:37:01.600
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6368 14:28:13.627
 No. of Rows .......        10265        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .964785340       .911577050       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 2 file   2:me_b63934.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6368 14:43:57.629
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6368 18:24:13.662
 No. of Rows .......        13209        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .983090820       .909090880       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 2 file   3:me_b63954.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6368 21:31:57.686
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6369 01:47:49.708
 No. of Rows .......        15345        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .983090820       .909918130       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
 Series 2 file   4:me_b63968.lc
 Selected FITS extensions: 1 - RATE TABLE;
 Source ............ EXO2030+40          Start Time (d) ....  6369 02:05:09.709
 FITS Extension ....  1 - `RATE      `   Stop Time (d) .....  6369 05:47:01.715
 No. of Rows .......        13305        Bin Time (s) ......    1.000
 Right Ascension ... 307.624755960       Internal time sys.. Converted to TJD
 Declination ....... 37.416656430        Experiment ........ EXOSAT   ME
 Corrections applied: Vignetting - Yes; Deadtime - Yes; Bkgd - Yes; Clock - No
             values: .945537030       .911577050       1.00000000
 Selected Columns:  1- Y-axis;  2- Y-error;
 File contains binned data.
Name of the window file ('-' for default window)[-] 
 Expected Start ...  6368.48404629571  (days)      11:37: 1:600  (h:m:s:ms)
 Expected Stop ....  6369.24099207078  (days)       5:47: 1:715  (h:m:s:ms)
 Minimum Newbin Time    1.0000000      (s)
 for Maximum Newbin No..            65401
 Default Newbin Time is:   127.88446    (s) (to have 1 Intv. of     512 Newbins)
 Type INDEF to accept the default value
Newbin Time or negative rebinning[300] 
 Newbin Time ......     300.00000      (s)
 Maximum Newbin No.               219
 Default Newbins per Interval are:         219
 (giving       1 Interval of          219 Newbins)
 Type INDEF to accept the default value
Number of Newbins/Interval[219] 
 Maximum of       1 Intvs. with          219 Newbins of       300.000     (s)
Name of output file[] 
Do you want to plot your results?[yes] 
Enter PGPLOT device[/XW] 

Setting the plot to 1 "PLT >" plots the hardness ratio vs. the sum of the light curves; setting the plot type to 2 (= number of time series) "PLT >" the light curves (intensity vs. time) on separate windows; setting the plot type to 3 "PLT >" plots the light curves for series 1 and 2 followed by the hardness ratio vs. time in separate windows. After the default plot is done, within "PLT >" is possible to plot any axis vs any other by using the command "color on" or "color off" and "xaxis N" or "yplot M".
 Three plotting styles available:
 Hardness [1] ;  Intensity vs Time (or Phase) [2];
 Ratio & Intensity vs time (or Phase)[3]
Enter PLOT style number (default=1)[3] 1
     219 analysis results per interval
 Intv    1   Start  6368 11:39:31
     Ser.1     Avg  18.72        Chisq 0.1161E+06   Var  124.1     Newbs.    178
               Min  9.094          Max  53.43    expVar 0.1983      Bins  51868
     Ser.2     Avg  33.13        Chisq 0.2765E+06   Var  429.5     Newbs.    178
               Min  15.30          Max  92.51    expVar 0.2874      Bins  51868
hardness example

If the Intensity vs. Time plot type (2 in this case) had been chosen, the following plot would result:
2 light curve example

If the Ratio and Intensity vs. Time plot type (i.e. 3) had been chosen, the following plot would result:
ratio+light curve example

It is possible to use the PLT prompt to customize the output plot.

The command "info" lists all the columns available which are:

 1st Time
 2nd lightcurve series 1 
 3rd lightcurve series 2 
 4th hardness ser2/ser1
 5th sum 1+2
when lcurve is run with two time series
PLT> info

 Grp  Wind    Label     XData Min    XData Max    YData Min    YData Max
  1    -1  Time (s)   :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04 :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04
  2     2  Ser 1      :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04 :  9.094    ,   53.43    
  3     3  Ser 2      :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04 :  15.30    ,   92.51    
  4     4  Ser 2/Ser  :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04 :  1.475    ,   1.943    
  5    -1  Ser 1+2    :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04 :  25.12    ,   145.1    
  6    -1             :  2371.    ,  6.7471E+04 :  1.000    ,   1.000    

At the PLT> prompt you will be able to use any of the "QDP" commands documented in the qdp help file.

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Last modified: Friday, 26-Mar-2004 16:35:03 EST

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