XSPEC commands can be divided into 6 categories: Control, Data, Model,
Fitting, Plotting and Setting, as follows:
- Control commands include items such as controlling logging,
obtaining help, executing scripts, and other miscellaneous items to
do with the program control rather than manipulating data or
theoretical models.
- Data commands load spectral data and calibration data such as
backgrounds and responses, and specify channel ranges to be fit.
- Model commands define and manipulate theoretical models and
their parameters, and compute additional information such as fluxes
or line identifications.
- Fit commands initiate the fitting routines, control the
parameter set, perform statistical tests and compute confidence levels.
- Plot commands generate about 50 different kinds of 2-dimensional
- Setting commands change a variety of XSPEC internals which
control details of models, statistics, and fitting methods.
These command types are summarized below. For full details see Chapter 5.
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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:24 EDT