sirf: self-irradiated funnel
The multi-blackbody “Self-IrRadiated Funnel” model is designed to
model optically-thick outflow-dominated accretion. The basic idea is
simple: you just assume a lot of matter, angular momentum and energy
emerges in a limited volume. Momentum conservation leads to
non-sphericity of the flow that has subsequently conical (funnel-like)
shape. The model calculates temperature distribution at the funnel
walls (taking into account irradiation by iterative process) and the
outer photosphere. We also assume that inside the cone there is a deep
pseudo-photosphere. Relativistic boosts are taken into account for
high velocities. For a comprehensive description of the physical
model, see: Abolmasov, Karpov & Kotani (2009).
par1 |
, inner temperature (at the inner, inside-the-funnel
photosphere). |
par2 |
, inner (inside-the-funnel photosphere) radius in
“spherisation radius” units (the latter is defined as
). |
par3 |
, outer photosphere radius in “spherisation radius”
units. |
par4 |
, half-opening angle of the cone. |
par5 |
incl, inclination angle of the funnel. Affects mainly
self-occultation and relativistic boost effects. |
par6 |
, velocity law exponent,
. |
par7 |
, adiabatic index. It affects the inner, hotter parts
of the flow, therefore we set is to 4/3 by default. |
par8 |
, mass ejection rate in Eddington (critical) units. |
par9 |
irrad, number of iterations for irradiation. |
norm |
Observatories |
Archive |
Calibration |
Software |
Tools |
Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT