New in v12.15.0

New models

  • Added lorentzian (lorabs) and voigt (vlorabs) absorption line multiplicative models

  • For completeness, added versions of the lorentz and voigt lines with widths in velocity, not energy, and with a redshift parameter: zlorabs, zvlorabs, zlorentz, vlorentz, zvlorentz, zvoigt, voigtabs, zvoigtabs, vvoigt, zvvoigt, vvoigtabs, zvvoigtabs.

  • Added new convolution model rgsext which is a version of rgsxsrc with a parameter for additional blurring. Both rgsext and rgsxsrc can now get information on image file, boresight, and extraction size from XFLT keywords in the spectrum.

  • Added model feklor for Fe K fluourescence line from 7 Lorentzians.

Changes to models

  • Added files for AtomDB v3.1.2 and SPEX v3.08 and made these the defaults.

  • Added support to apec models for equilibrium ion balance file and making ion fractions available in CIE models.

  • Added method to calculate the electron/ion ratio for nei models and store the information in the model database so it can be recovered by eg tclout modkeyval ApecElectronIonRatio.

  • Added ability to correct the electron density for apec models. This changes the normalization for the cases when the ne/nH ratio differs from 1.2.

  • When calculating nei models added saving of ion fraction arrays as ApecIonFractionsZZ where ZZ is the chemical symbol of the element.

  • Added equilibrium ionization balance files for v2.0.2, v3.0.7, and v3.0.9 versions of AtomDB. Note that v3.0.4-3.0.9 had identical files.

  • Renamed eigen_v3.0.fits to apec_v3.0_eigen.fits and eigen_v3.0.4.fits to apec_v3.0.4_eigen.fits. Added apec_v3.0.7_eigen.fits which is appropriate for nei models with versions 3.0.7 and 3.0.9.

  • Added a SEIGEN keyword to the primary header of the NEI continuum file to indicate which version of the eigenvector file is correct to use with this version of the NEI continuum and line files.

  • Handled the case of an input _coco file having no Cont_Err or Pseudo_Err column. This allows us to save some space in files where errors are not included.

  • Added utilities to get and put a SPEX version number analogous to the AtomDB version number. Added support for multiple versions of SPEX. Added SPEX_VERSION to Xspec.init to define a default SPEX version number.

  • Fixed MixUtility::doMix so that it correctly handles the case of spectra not being included in any of the mixing sets. Fixed the polrot mixing model so that it does not require triplets of (I,Q,U) in each data group. Each datagroup can only have one pair of (Q,U) at most but can have any other spectra.

  • Added documentation to xsdskb.f for the bolometric flux calculation.


  • When the mdefine expression includes a table model then set the spectrum dependency flag to true. This is necessary to handle the case where the table model depends on XFLT values.

  • Improved the warning message when detecting an energy of zero in a response file.

  • Added the ability to set the minuit strategy level and tolerance and fixed the setting of precision for the migrad and simplex methods.

  • hardcopy.tcl now plots in any of the hardcopy formats available. The format is chosen by the suffix of the filename.

  • Changed from using cfortran to using ISO bindings to call Fortran from C/C++ in PltPkg. This is the first step in removing all cfortran use from xspec.

Bug fixes

The following patches for 12.14.1 have been included:

  • 12.14.1a. The default hard and soft limits for the 'frac_th' parameter of the sssed model are not being set properly.

  • 12.14.1b. Memory errors in routines called by the ismabs model may cause a crash.

  • 12.14.1c. Enabling mdefine to work with polarization models.

  • 12.14.1d. This fixes two problems in the Voigt line profile. The first is that the Lorentzian width parameter was being used as though it was the HWHM, not the FWHM. The second is that an error was introduced in the normalization when making the change to normalizing from 0 to infinity instead of -infinity to infinity.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:25 EDT