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XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility


The budget form is created by RPS, although budgets are no longer submitted through RPS. In addition, as part of the budget justification, explain the following proposed costs applicable to your proposal.

  1. Direct Labor: This is the requested labor which can be divided into three general experience/salary levels. Senior Researcher/Professor, Junior Researcher/Post-Doc, and Graduate Student.
    • FTE: The full-time equivalent (i.e., fraction of one year) of support being requested.
    • Salary: Yearly base salary not including overhead. This value will be scaled by the FTE. The salary plus fringe benefits overhead shall be included in Item 5.
    • Fringe Benefits: Yearly fringe benefits not including overhead. This value will be scaled by the FTE. The salary plus fringe benefits overhead shall be included in Item 5.
  2. Other Direct Costs: Do not include overhead charges for any item in this section. The required overheads should be also included in Item 5.
    • Equipment: List items over $1000 separately in the budget justification and explain the need for items costing more than $3,000. Describe basis for estimated cost. General purpose equipment is not allowable as a direct cost unless specifically approved by the NASA Grant Officer. Any equipment purchase requested to be made as a direct charge under this award must include the equipment description, how it will be used in the conduct of the basic research proposed and why it cannot be purchased with indirect funds.
    • Travel: Describe the purpose of the proposed travel (as of AO-6 a more complete description of the proposed travel is required) in relation to the grant and provide the basis of estimate, including information on destination and number of travelers.
    • Publication Charges: Provide expected number of papers.
    • Supplies: Provide general categories of needed supplies, the method of acquisition, and the estimated cost.
    • Other: Enter any direct costs not covered by 2a through 2d. Attach an itemized list explaining the need for each item and the basis for the estimate.
    • Other 1: Additional space for any direct costs not covered by 2a through 2d.
    • Other 2: Additional space for any direct costs not covered by 2a through 2d.
    • Other 3: Additional space for any direct costs not covered by 2a through 2d.
  3. Other Applicable Costs: Enter total and explain the need for each item in the budget justification.
  4. Graduate Student Tuition Remission:
  5. Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs: This is the entry for all institutional overheads. In the budget justification identify F&A cost rate(s) and base(s) as approved by the cognizant Federal agency, including the effective period of the rate. Provide the name, address, and telephone number of the Federal agency official having cognizance. If unapproved rates are used, explain why, and include the computational basis for the indirect expense pool and corresponding allocation base for each rate.
  6. Indirect Rate Percent: This is your institution's overhead rate on indirect costs.

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