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XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility

The XMM-Newton General Observer Facility


Below are potentially useful links to our products, plus archives, catalogs, and ways to contact us.

Software, Documents, and Data Access
Information for Grant Recipients
Past Senior Review (Science Sections Only)
XMM Image Gallery
Contact Us

Software, Documents, and Data Access

Links for the analysis software and technical information can be found in the table below. Additional information about software and documentation, and other useful links, can be found on our Data Analysis page.

What are you looking for? Format
Handbooks XMM-Newton User's Handbook GOF-HTML
Data Files Handbook GOF-HTML
Data Analysis Software Requirements to run the Science Analysis Software (SAS) SOC-HTML
Download the SAS SOC-HTML
Install the SAS SOC-HTML
Download pySAS Github-HTML
Calibration Current Calibration Files (CCFs) for running SAS SOC-HTML
Canned response files PN, GOF-HTML; MOS, GOF-HTML; RGS, GOF-HTML; OM, GOF-HTML
Nomenclature and how to use the canned response files GOF-HTML
Calibration status for all instruments SOC-HTML
Data Analysis Manuals SAS User's Guide GOF-HTML
ABC Guide to Data Reduction GOF-HTML GOF-PDF GOF-PS
Absolute Beginners Guide to XMM GOF-PDF
ABC Guide to Data Reduction, Streamlined GOF-HTML
Introduction to SciServer GOF-HTML
Data Reduction Perl Scripts and Manual GOF-HTML
Data Simulation and Analysis Threads GOF-HTML
XMM-Newton Master Log & Public Archive GSFC-HTML
Catalogs Serendipitous Sky Survey Catalog (4XMM DR14 version) GSFC-HTML
XMM-Newton Slew Survey Catalog (v3) GSFC-HTML - ESA-HTML
OM Serendipitous UV Source Suvey Catalog (SUSS6.1) GSFC-HTML
OM Serendipitous UV Source Catalog (OMCat) MAST-HTML

Information for Grant Recipients

As a recipient of a NASA grant, there are requirements that PIs are expected to fulfil: they must file a Summary of Research Report, and ensure that their peer-reviewed publication(s) and associated data can be accessed by the public at no charge.

Information on these topics and more can be found through the links below.


Every quarter, lists are compiled of publications in referreed journals that used XMM data. They are arranged by author and by science topic. A reverse-chronological bibliography is also made for the last four years. Clicking on the bibcode will take you to the ADS entry for that paper. Please send questions and omissions to the XMM-Newton GOF Helpdesk. Please note that observation IDs are listed for a given article when they are used directly in the analysis, and when it is not prohibitive to do so (such as if a paper used hundreds of archived datasets).

The XMM-Newton bibliography is sorted:

And by subject:

  1. Instrumentation
  2. Background/Surveys
  3. Galaxy Clusters
  4. AGN
  5. Galaxies
  6. GRBs
  7. ISM
  8. Stellar Clusters
  9. SNRs/SNe
  10. Planetary Nebulae
  11. X-Ray Binaries
  12. Cataclysmic Variables
  13. Neutron Stars
  14. Stars
  15. Solar System

Past Senior Review Proposals (Science Section Only)

Every 2-3 years, NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD) conducts intensive, independent reviews of its operating missions, called Senior Review. The results of the reviews are used to give programmatic direction to NASA's portfolio of missions for the next five fiscal years.

XMM-Newton has participated successfully in several Senior Reviews. The science sections from each are available below.

Proposal from Year... Format
2022 GOF-PDF
2019 GOF-PDF
2016 GOF-PDF
2014 GOF-PDF
2012 GOF-PDF
2010 GOF-PDF

XMM Image Gallery

The GOF have created images using the ESAS tasks in SAS and posted them in this gallery. They are sorted by category, and are made as time allows. Requests for your favorite celestial object can be sent to the Help Desk.

Contact Us

Our primary goal is to assist the science community to do the best science possible with XMM-Newton. Open lines of communication are crucial to that effort.


At NASA Headquarters, we are led by:

At NASA/GSFC, our team is:

    Project Scientist, Emeritus
    Dr. Steve Snowden

If you have any questions concerning XMM-Newton send email to