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XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility


XMM-Newton Guest Observer Program Summary of Research

NASA and the federal government have specific requirements for the reporting of results obtained by the recipients of grant funds. The documentment Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual details much of this information.

XMM-Newton GOs receiving NASA grants are required to file a Summary of Research Report detailing their supported activities within 90 days of the conclusion of the grant period. The report should list the objectives of the research and the achieved goals, including the dissemination of the results (i.e., papers published on the subject). The report should be submitted by the budget Principal Investigator, and should include the activities of any subgrant recipients. If the proposed research was not feasible, explain why not.

A standard form for the Report is available in ps, pdf, and annotated LaTex formats.

NOTE: The proposal number that is requested at the top right of the form is that of the original science proposal. This is the six-digit number assigned by ESA.

The Report should be emailed to Dr. Kim Weaver (

NASA-funded XMM-Newton Guest Observer Publications and Data Access

NASA has specific requirements regarding free, public access of NASA-funded work. All researchers (civil servants and non-civil servants) who received funding from NASA are required to place their peer-reviewed publications and associated data in NASA's designated public repository. Please note that this does NOT include patents, or publications that contain material governed by personal privacy, export control, proprietary restrictions, or national security law or regulations. Information on how to submit your paper can be found here.

Once you have submitted your paper, you can request the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) to link to it. This is done by selecting "Feedback" from the top of the ADS page, and then choosing the first option, "Submit Updates". Then, in the pop-up window, select "Associated Articles" and fill out the form.

Grant Transfers and Rebudgetting

PIs with grants who change employers and PIs who wish to reallocate funds in their budgets are required to notify Dr. Kim Weaver ( as soon as possible in order to ensure that their funds are properly dealt with. The minimum amount of money that may be transferred is $5,000. Please note that the money can be lost entirely if it is not transferred properly and in a timely manner! This is a checklist of all that is required, from all parties involved. To expand on this a bit, if you are a PI, you need to do all of the following steps below. If you are only rebudgetting, you need to do steps 4 and 5 below.

1) Contact Dr. Weaver and provide the following information:

  • the name of the XMM grant you are transferring,
  • the amount of money you are transferring,
  • a reason for the move to the new institution (NASA requires a justification for the funding transfer)
  • 2) Contact your old institution's resource analyst and request that the following be sent to Dr. Weaver:

  • Relinquishment Letter, which includes the date relinquished
  • SF 425 (Financial Report), reflecting the amount to relinquish
  • Any past due Progress Report(s)
  • 3) Contact your new institution's resource analyst and request that they send the following to Dr. Weaver:

  • the completed Required Certification form
  • a Letter of Acceptance
  • AOR/POC contact information
  • Indirect Rate Agreement
  • 4) Assemble the new budget proposal documents:

  • Cover Form, General Form, Budget Form. PIs need to use ARK, not NSPIRES, to fill out the Cover Form, General Form, and Budget Form. The sections appear as drop-down mini-forms by clicking on the green triangles next to the section headers. (Clicking on the section headers themselves takes you to a help page for that section.) After you have entered the information, click on the green "PDF" button at the bottom of the page. This will generate a 3-page document. On the second page, there is a section for Institutional Endorsements. Get the e-signatures of the relevant parties (Acrobat or Preview on Macs should be able to do this). If this is not possible, print out the form, get the signatures the old-fashioned way, and scan the signed document to a PDF.
  • the Science Justification from the observing proposal (4 or 5 pages)
  • the Budget Justification (2 pages at most)
  • your CV with contact information (2 pages at most)
  • 5) Email all the documents from Step 4 to Dr. Weaver. Once all the documents are received, she will attach her own documents and send the complete package to the NSSC. Please note that it is NASA policy that incomplete transfer requests will not be processed.

    Note that if any inventions (including software) are derived from the supported grant activity there are special reporting requirements as well. See Exhibit G for further information.

    If you have any questions concerning XMM-Newton send e-mail to