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XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility


    The XMM-Newton project scientist is assisted by an advisory body: "The XMM-Newton Users Group". This group was established following approval by ESA's Director of Science and will meet periodically. This group replaces the XMM-Newton Science Working Team. Agendas, presentations, and minutes can be found on the Vilspa web pages

    A few useful outtakes from the 2002 September meeting

  • The AO-3 Call for Proposals will be issued 2003 mid-March with a deadline for submission in late April.
  • From AO-3 the relative rank of proposals should be provided to the proposal PI for feedback.
  • From AO-3 the abstracts of accepted proposals should be made public.
  • From AO-3 OTAC panels should consist of five members, topical subpanels should meet at the same time and place.
  • The Earth avoidance angle will be reduced from 48 to 42 degrees which will increase observation efficiency.
  • More information on instrument backgrounds will be made available.

If you have any questions concerning XMM-Newton send email to