The XMM trend data files have been created to provide an easily accessible source of general observatory status with a 64 second cadence for each orbit (~48 hours). The trend data files are grouped by one hundred orbits.
Trend data are in standard FITS files with documentation in the FITS header. With HEASoft installed the file information can be easily accessed using the fits viewer tool fv.
Trend data includes the satellite location and look direction, the operational modes of the EPIC detectors and their count rates in several bands, solar wind parameters from the ACE satellite, and a variety of other details.
- Orbits 0000-0099
- Orbits 0100-0199
- Orbits 0200-0299
- Orbits 0300-0399
- Orbits 0400-0499
- Orbits 0500-0599
- Orbits 0600-0699
- Orbits 0700-0799
- Orbits 0800-0899
- Orbits 0900-0999
- Orbits 1000-1099
- Orbits 1100-1199
- Orbits 1200-1299
- Orbits 1300-1399
- Orbits 1400-1499
- Orbits 1500-1599
- Orbits 1600-1699
- Orbits 1700-1799
- Orbits 1800-1899
- Orbits 1900-1999
SWCX Tool / Soft Proton Tool to display potentially useful PDF images from the trend data files.
A list of the current Orbits/Observations available in the trend archive covering most orbits in the range: 0000-1999.
The following command will allow you to mirror ALL the trend data (33 Gb):
wget -m -o trend_mirror.log -nH --cut-dirs=3 --retr-symlinks -np -A FIT.gz -np -R "index.html*" https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/xmm/data/trend/
If you have any questions concerning XMM-Newton send email to xmmhelp@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov