fv: New Features

The latest version of fv is version 5.0 released on September, 2007.


  • Overhauling POW world coordination calculation logics. Now fV/POW use standard WCSLIB library to generate world coordinates/pixel positions.
  • Allow generating of plots that retains its world coordinate projection information.
  • Allow limited editing capability on the property of graph objects (projection, rotation, etc) of a graph/image on the fly.
  • Allow switching between multiply world coordination system (i.e. WCSa, WCSx, etc.) on the fly.
  • Allow the flipping of image/plot of direction on X or Y or Both axes.
  • Allow display of 64 bits integers in fv data table and in POW imagery.
  • Fix white-wash grey-out POW imagery on Scientific Linux platform bug.
  • Fix saving 64 bits integer data to a text file bug.
  • "Run Ftools..." option is no long available. Users are encouraged to use the new "fgui" task that is distributed with ftools.
  • "Skyview..." catalog selection is now only available via "Catalog..." option.

Go to release notes for version 4.4.

Pages maintained by Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the FTOOLS help desk.

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Last modified: Monday, 16-Jul-2012 15:32:27 EDT