mtable: multiplicative tabular model
A multiplicative table model. The filename to be used should be given
immediately after mtable in the model command. For example:
XSPEC12>model mtable{mymod.mod}*powerlaw
uses mymod.mod as the input for the model. For specifications of
the table model file, see the OGIP memo 92-009 on the FITS file format for
table model files (available at
A sample multiplicative table model file is testpcfabs.mod in
The model value is assumed unity outside the tabulated energies unless
the keywords LOELIMIT and HIELIMIT are given in the primary extension
of the FITS file. In the latter case the value given in LOELIMIT will
be used for energies below those tabulated and HIELIMIT for energies
above those tabulated.
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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:25 EDT