cph, vcph, bcph, bvcph: Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters

This cph (Cooling+Heating) model is a modification of coolflow to include heating as described in Zhoolideh Haghighi, Afshordi & Khoshroshahi (2018). The peak temperature parameter is the peak of the emission measure distribution and occurs where the cooling and heating timescales are equal.

The coolflow model had parameters for low and high temperature but these are not necessary for the cph model since the emission measure does not diverge at low temperatures. The model integrates the emission measure distribution from 0.01 to 50 keV.

Velocity broadening can only be used with switch=2 or switch=3. See the cie model for further information and options.

For cph the parameters are:

par1 peakT: peak temperature (keV)
par2 Abund: abundance relative to Solar
par3 Redshift
par4 switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX data)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

For the version with variable abundances (vcph) the parameters are:

par1 peakT: peak temperature (keV)
par2 He: He abundance relative to Solar
par3 C: C abundance relative to Solar
par4 N: N abundance relative to Solar
par5 O: O abundance relative to Solar
par6 Ne: Ne abundance relative to Solar
par7 Na: Na abundance relative to Solar
par8 Mg: Mg abundance relative to Solar
par9 Al: Al abundance relative to Solar
par10 Si: Si abundance relative to Solar
par11 S: S abundance relative to Solar
par12 Ar: Ar abundance relative to Solar
par13 Ca: Ca abundance relative to Solar
par14 Fe: Fe abundance relative to Solar
par15 Ni: Ni abundance relative to Solar
par16 Redshift
par17 switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX dat)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

For the version with velocity broadening parameter (bcph) the parameters are:

par1 peakT: peak temperature (keV)
par2 Abund: abundance relative to Solar
par3 Redshift
par4 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s) (switch=2 or 3 only)
par5 switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX dat)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

For the version with variable abundances and a velocity broadening parameter (bvcph) the parameters are:

par1 peakT: peak temperature (keV)
par2 He: He abundance relative to Solar
par3 C: C abundance relative to Solar
par4 N: N abundance relative to Solar
par5 O: O abundance relative to Solar
par6 Ne: Ne abundance relative to Solar
par7 Na: Na abundance relative to Solar
par8 Mg: Mg abundance relative to Solar
par9 Al: Al abundance relative to Solar
par10 Si: Si abundance relative to Solar
par11 S: S abundance relative to Solar
par12 Ar: Ar abundance relative to Solar
par13 Ca: Ca abundance relative to Solar
par14 Fe: Fe abundance relative to Solar
par15 Ni: Ni abundance relative to Solar
par16 Redshift
par17 Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s) (switch=2 or 3 only)
par18 switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX dat)
norm Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr)

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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT