par1 | peakT: peak temperature (keV) |
par2 | Abund: abundance relative to Solar |
par3 | Redshift |
par4 | switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX data) |
norm | Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr) |
For the version with variable abundances (vcph) the parameters are:
par1 | peakT: peak temperature (keV) |
par2 | He: He abundance relative to Solar |
par3 | C: C abundance relative to Solar |
par4 | N: N abundance relative to Solar |
par5 | O: O abundance relative to Solar |
par6 | Ne: Ne abundance relative to Solar |
par7 | Na: Na abundance relative to Solar |
par8 | Mg: Mg abundance relative to Solar |
par9 | Al: Al abundance relative to Solar |
par10 | Si: Si abundance relative to Solar |
par11 | S: S abundance relative to Solar |
par12 | Ar: Ar abundance relative to Solar |
par13 | Ca: Ca abundance relative to Solar |
par14 | Fe: Fe abundance relative to Solar |
par15 | Ni: Ni abundance relative to Solar |
par16 | Redshift |
par17 | switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX dat) |
norm | Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr) |
For the version with velocity broadening parameter (bcph) the parameters are:
par1 | peakT: peak temperature (keV) |
par2 | Abund: abundance relative to Solar |
par3 | Redshift |
par4 | Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s) (switch=2 or 3 only) |
par5 | switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX dat) |
norm | Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr) |
For the version with variable abundances and a velocity broadening parameter (bvcph) the parameters are:
par1 | peakT: peak temperature (keV) |
par2 | He: He abundance relative to Solar |
par3 | C: C abundance relative to Solar |
par4 | N: N abundance relative to Solar |
par5 | O: O abundance relative to Solar |
par6 | Ne: Ne abundance relative to Solar |
par7 | Na: Na abundance relative to Solar |
par8 | Mg: Mg abundance relative to Solar |
par9 | Al: Al abundance relative to Solar |
par10 | Si: Si abundance relative to Solar |
par11 | S: S abundance relative to Solar |
par12 | Ar: Ar abundance relative to Solar |
par13 | Ca: Ca abundance relative to Solar |
par14 | Fe: Fe abundance relative to Solar |
par15 | Ni: Ni abundance relative to Solar |
par16 | Redshift |
par17 | Gaussian sigma for velocity broadening (km/s) (switch=2 or 3 only) |
par18 | switch (0 = calculate, 1 = interpolate, 2 = use AtomDB data, 3 = use SPEX dat) |
norm | Mass accretion rate (solar mass/yr) |
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Last modified: Friday, 23-Aug-2024 13:20:40 EDT