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ASCA Guest Observer Facility

addascaspec version 1.21. Jun-04-97

usage: addascaspec list_file out_spec out_response [outbgd]

The list_file should have the following format:

g2_source.spec g3_source.spec
g2_bgd.spec g3_bgd.spec
g2.arf g3.arf

On each line, list the spectra, background, arf, and rmf file names to combine. You can add two or more spectral files. Order of the appearance of lines does not matter, but source spectral files should appear prior to the background files. You may or may not enter background files and rmf files to combine.

Note that in the case of GIS, you do not have to add RMFs, since GIS2 and 3 RMFs are identical. In this case only ARFs are averaged. For SIS, each ARF and RMF are multiplied and averaged.

The method of calculation is explained in the ASCA ABC guide section 8.9. Click here for an explanation of how the The background normalization is calculated.