fv: New Features

Version 2.4 of fv was released on November 24, 1998. Here is a list of features added since version 2.3 was released on May 8, 1998:

  • Windows 95/98/NT support added via separate binary distribution.
  • Based on version 8 of tcl/tk which includes a built-in bytecode compiler, speeding up execution by a factor of 2.
  • Internet support has been added. Files can be read via the http and ftp protocols. Ftp sites can be browsed with the "Open File" dialog box.
  • Filename completion has been added to the "Open File" dialog box. Type the initial characters of a file name and press TAB. Fv will look for a file starting with those characters.
  • Basic fv functions (open, display, and plot data) can be controlled with simple TCL scripts.
  • New, empty FITS files can be created. Empty extensions of any of the 3 types (image, ASCII Table, Binary Table) can be appended to existing files.
  • Checksum keywords can be created or updated when a file is modified.
  • Keyboard shortcuts (ctrl-c and ctrl-v) have been added for copying and pasting data in the table display window.
  • When displaying an image in POW, double-clicking the image will cause fv to open the corresponding FITS extension as a table and highlight the clicked pixel.
  • POW can create contour maps of images.
  • More curve plotting options have been added to POW. Each curve can have its own line style/width, point shape/size, and color.
  • The Edit Graph dialog boxes have been modified to make them simpler, more intuitive, and more powerful. One can easily control the contents of a given graph, the plotting styles of its curves, and the axis parameters (label, bounds, etc) from a single window.
  • Graphs containing images can be rescaled to arbitrary sizes in both the X and Y directions. (No more snapping to integral magsteps.)
  • Removed restriction on the production of mosaics from images with different pixel sizes.

Pages maintained by Bryan Irby
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Last modified: Thursday, 09-Nov-2000 15:40:52 EST