fv: New Features

The latest version of fv is version 3.0 released on November 9, 2000. Here is a list of features added since version 2.6.1 released on February 11, 2000:


  • New Tools: SkyView, Catalogs, Run Ftool...
    • SkyView: Query SkyView online database for images of a region of the sky
    • Catalogs: Query SkyView online database for a plottable list of objects located in a given region of the sky
    • Run Ftool: Add-on package allowing one to select and execute an FTOOL from within fv (Unix only)
  • Scripting: added use of a default/selected extension number; added close (files and windows), save (saveAs), and sort commands; modified "display curve" command to allow plotting of rows/columns of an image, not just table columns
  • Allow plotting of vector columns and subsets of rows
  • Add image smoothing
  • Support column names with spaces
  • Support opening files when symlinks
  • Implemented copy/paste for ALL table views, ie added c/p to vector and image tables
  • Fixed a loss-of-precision bug when copy/pasteing real values... Data would only be to precision of a TDISP keyword
  • Added command-line options: -help, -quiet, -winmanager 1/0
  • Support new WCS matrix format; added -CAR (cartesian) projection
  • Included symlinks in FitsFileSelection in FTP mode


  • Tools: Added Ruler, Probe, and Profile tools...
    • Ruler: Measures the distance between two points on a graph
    • Probe: Calculates flux and centroid values for a region of an image
    • Profile: Extracts an image cross-section and plots its intensity.
  • Scripting: added delete, remove, graph, contour, remote, wcs, init, cursor, and "colormap add"; expanded curve command to allow setting default parameters for curves not yet plotted/created.
  • Printing: fixed printing of line plots in color; image printing on Windows and Mac OS fixed with upgrade to tcl/tk 8.3.2; background no longer printed (was printed as white) and UI elements no longer obscure graph contents.
  • Redesigned region file handling to support new DS9 formats.
  • Added user-selectable default graph size and made this argument optional for powCreateGraph function.
  • Tick labels on graphs with celestial coordinates adjust their precision according to current range.

Go to release notes for version 2.6.

Pages maintained by Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the FTOOLS help desk.

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Last modified: Thursday, 09-Nov-2000 15:40:52 EST