fv: New Features

The latest version of fv is version 4.2 released on April 5st, 2005.


  • Add capablity to display 4D table and image (movie).
  • Rework background backup directory cleanup logics.
  • Change vizier/skyview/catalog file naming scheme.


  • Update logic for display CAR projection.
  • Add X axis range selection utility in POW.
  • Add capablity to create/display region on image.
  • Add XPA entry points for X axis range selection and region display.
  • Fix one dimension plot/image label problem.
  • Fix ploygon creation problem, allow right mouse button to drag the existing vertex, left mouse button for creation and move the region.
  • Add color changes capability in Edit Region Panel.

Go to release notes for version 4.1.4.

Pages maintained by Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the FTOOLS help desk.

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Last modified: Friday, 17-Mar-2006 13:20:02 EST