New in v12.14

New features

  • Added new models with a velocity broadening parameter to the cph, equil, gadem, gnei, nei, npshock, pshock, sedov, snapec, and wdem families. For instance bcph is the cph model but with a velocity broadening parameter and bvcph is the vcph model with a velocity broadening parameter.

  • Added new models vvgadem and bvvgadem with all parameters for all abundances.

  • Added new models with rationalized names although the old names are still available. So (b)(v)cempow can be used instead of cemekl and cevmkl; (b)(v)cheb6 instead of c6mekl and c6vmekl; (b)(v)expcheb6 instead of c6pmekl and c6pvmkl; (b)(v)coolflow instead of mkcflow and vmcflow.

  • All the collisional ionization equilibrium models which use atomdb data can now also use data from spex v3.07.03. The spex data can be used in two ways: 1) use xset APECUSESPEX yes in which case everything applies as usual except that the SPEX tables are use; 2) for those models with a switch parameter spex can be chosen by setting the value to 3. In this second case the equivalents of the apec control variables are available, eg SPEXROOT, SPEXNOLINES, etc.

  • Added new (b)(v)(v)cie models to allow easy switching between atomic physics sources for a single temperature plasma. These are equivalent to the apec models with a switch parameter added.

  • Added code to calculate electron-electron bremsstrahlung using formulae from Nozawa et al. 2009. This is available either as a separate eebremss model or included in the apec-based models using xset APECEEBREMSS yes.

  • Set the default redshift for all cooling flow models to 0.1 since 0.0 does not work.

  • Set the switch parameter to 2 (ie atomdb/apec) for all models where this parameter determines which atomic physics to use.

  • Improved output from the identify command.

  • Added to Numeric.h the mass of the e- in keV, the Thomson x-section, and the fine structure constant.

  • Added ability to specify user-defined values for the contour levels of 1-D contour plots.

Bug fixes

The following patches for 12.13.1 have been included:

  • 12.13.1a. Table models with both redshift and escale set are not handled correctly.

  • 12.13.1b. When an MCMC chain file contains response parameters, Xspec is falsely reporting mismatches between the chain parameters and the current variable fit parameters. Therefore it doesn't allow the chain to be used for uncertainty estimates in place of fit covariance values.

  • 12.13.1c. In PyXspec's AllModels.addPyMod method, usage of a deprecated Python function is preventing execution with the latest Python v3.11.

  • 12.13.1d. There is an error in the calculation of the pgstat statistic.

  • 12.13.1e. The vvapec, bvvapec, vvtapec, and bvvtapec models all deal with the H abundance parameter incorrectly. If it is not zero, it is reset to one. So, e.g. setting the H abundance to 0.5 in vvapec actually produces a spectrum with the H abundances as 1.0. If the H abundance is set to 1.0 (the default and usual setting) the results are correct.

In addition the following bugs have been fixed:

  • Fixed error in ISOTROPIC bayes prior - it should be sin, not cos.
  • Fix to the case of 2-pane plots which contain a plot group with zero channels.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 28-May-2024 10:09:22 EDT