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  • ******************************************************************************
                            RELEASE NOTES FOR HEASOFT 6.4.1
                                   April 15, 2008
    The HEASoft 6.4.1 release is primarily driven by the release of the
    Suzaku (version 8) software, but also includes Suzaku-related updates
    to xselect/extractor, a handful of bug fixes made since the 6.4
    release, and the latest patch level of Xspec v12 (with the latest
    version of CCFits).
    As before, configuration-related changes thoughout the package means that
    users who already have HEASoft v6.x.x installed will need to completely
    replace their software installation; there is no clean way to simply
    overlay this new release or to update an existing installation.
    - Change name of unpackaged top-level directory to heasoft-X.X.X instead
      of headas-X.X.X.
    - Use "-libcX.X.X" suffix on installed platform-specific directory name
      for all Linux OS, not just (32-bit) PC Linux.
    - Various improvements in handling compiler choices, optimization settings,
      X11 tests, etc.
    New version 3.0:
    - Bug fix in atInterpolateQuat(), judging (sin_phi < EPS) as same q-parameter
    - Allow "http://" syntax in $CALDB environment variable.
    New version 2.0:
    - The scale and zero set functions (public in HDU) will now write
      or update the keywords rather than call fits_set_bscale.  They also
      now check for allowed image data type changes as a result of changing
      the bscale and bzero values.  Added private zeroInit/scaleInit functions
      for use in HDUCreator.  Also added new public function,
      HDU::suppressScaling. (01/08)
    - Changed access of HDU's bitpix set function from public to private.
      This requires that HDUCreator be a friend class of HDU. (01/08)
    - Removed the redundant non-const version of FITS::filePointer and made
      the const version public instead of private.  It also no longer returns
      by reference.  (01/08)
    - Reorganized ImageExt<T> constructor/assignment visibility and added
      virtual declaration to destructor.  Also added docs.
    - Added #include statements for <cstring> and <iterator> to allow
      compilation on g++ 4.3 (patch submitted by Aurelien Jarno) (01/08)
    - Added the function getRowsize to the Table class, a wrapper for
      fits_get_rowsize. (Patrik Jonsson)
    - Made the const version of the Column parent accessor function public,
      and removed the non-const version.
    - Reorganized and improved keyword modification functions in HDU and
      Keyword classes.  This includes new HDU addKey, copyAllKeys, and
      keywordCategories functions, and the removal of HDU::setKeyWord.
      Also fully implemented the Keyword value set function, with template
      specialization similar to the value get function, and added doc
      descriptions for both of these. (01/08)
    - Bug fix to 2 of the 3 constructors which call the create() function.
      If create() returns false, they need to throw a CantCreate exception.
      They were appending the new primary hdu as an extension to the
      pre-existing file. (01/08)
    - To eliminate unnecessary dependences upon CFITSIO internals, removed
      the FITSUtil::copyFitsPtr function and everything using it: FITS copy
      ctor and clone functions, FITSBase copy ctor and clone functions.  (Note
      that copyFitsPtr was never properly impelemented in its attempt to
      perform a deep copy of a fitsfile pointer.) (12/07)
    - Added 4 new functions to HDU class to provide an interface to
      CFITSIO's checksum capabilities. (12/07)
    - Error messages are now stored in the FitsException base class, which
      allows them to be retrieved and copied with the public function
      message(). (12/07)
    - For Column write functions (both scalar and vector), all cases where
      the nulval pointer = 0 were treated as (*nulval) = 0 in the lower-level
      calls to fits_write_colnull.  This effectively meant there was no way
      for the user to turn off null value checking.  (12/07)
    - Calling FITS constructor in Write mode on a read-only file was
      causing a segmentation fault. (12/07)
                                  XSELECT & EXTRACTOR
    - When running extract on Suzaku XIS event files convert 5x5 files to 3x3
      if input files are a mixture.  This ensures that any output event file
      is a correct 3x3 file.
                                       XSPEC 12
    HEASoft 6.4.1 includes Xspec v12.4.0x.  See
    for information about v12.4.0x and to get patches beyond level 'x'.
                               MISSION-SPECIFIC SOFTWARE:
    Suzaku software Version 8 - Changes since HEASoft v6.4:
    General tools
      - Modified to ignore TIME=0.0 in column.
     HXD specific tools:
      - Bug fix: The par file hxdarfgen.par was lacking of some parameters
        (create_name etc.).
      - Bug fix: Correction in the way the exposure was calculated when the
       TIME_MODE = 0 in the  HXD-WAM data.
     XIS specific tools:
      - Ray-tracing library version up, preparing for the forthcoming
        CALDB updates of XRT. The XRT mis-alignments and scattering
        parameters are removed from the parameter file, "xissim.par".
        Fix Keywords RADECSYS EQUINOX in the output file
      - Ray-tracing library version up, preparing for the forthcoming
        CALDB updates of XRT. The XRT mis-alignments and scattering
        parameters are removed from the parameter file, "xissimarfgen.par".
      - WMAP image is usable for "source_image" when source_mode=DETFITS.
      - WMAP image is usable for "regfileN" when region_mode=DETFITS or SKYFITS.
      - Bug fix: Correction to retrive appropriate CALDB file when processing the
        NXB event files containg long time periods. This bug do not affect the
        the normal scinece data file.
      - WMAP image is usable for "regfile" when region_mode=DETFITS or SKYFITS.

    HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk

    If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft [ascl:1408.004] or the ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper [ascl:9912.002]:

    Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.

    Web page maintained by: Bryan K. Irby

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    Last modified: Thursday, 20-Nov-2008 15:07:56 EST