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                             RELEASE NOTES FOR HEASOFT 6.6.2
                                     April 6, 2009
    The HEASoft 6.6.2 release is primarily driven by the release of the
    Suzaku (version 12) and Swift (version 3.2) software, but also includes
    some other bug-fix updates to other packages to mirror the current
    development versions in use at the HEASARC.
      Please note that HEASoft 6.6.x is the last major distribution of HEAsoft
      in which we intend to include xspec v11. It is becoming increasingly hard
      to keep v11 up-to-date for new compilers and we do not have the resources
      to support two different versions. If there are v11 features that you are
      using and that we have omitted in the current version (v12) please let us
      know as soon as possible via the xspec12 help desk at:
    - Added checks that the COUNTS column is integer. This avoids a potential
      silent problem if someone creates a spectrum with non-integer COUNTS values.
    - addrmf: Fixed memory allocation bug.
    - Fixed startup problem on Solaris encountered when using the SunStudio
    - extractor: Backed out part of v5.09 change to speed up fixwmp because in
      cases where the image and WMAP coordinates differ and the satellite has
      attitude wobble it can leave photons in the WMAP within the supposedly
      filtered out area.
    - Fixed bug in handling submissions; probably only matters for Chandra
      grating data.
    - xselect.mdb: Fixed an ASCA SIS entry which used wildcards too
    - AST library: Fixed buffer overrun in method SpecTrans, where AST's
      internal representation of FITS keywords (some longer than 8 characters)
      were written to a static array not big enough to hold them.
    - Check AST status after trying to encode WCS. Fixes problem where, when
      no WCS information is in the FITS header, Ximage fails to read image.
                                       XSPEC 12
    HEASoft 6.6.2 includes Xspec v12.5.0ac.  See
    for information about v12.5.0ac and to get patches beyond level 'ac'.
    Suzaku software Version 12 - Changes since HEASoft v6.6:
     Suzaku general:
    - aemkreg: Fix HXD FOV centered on HXD nominal.  Draw FWHM & FULL for PIN, GSO.
     HXD specific tools:
    - hxdtime, hxdpi, hxdgrade:
           fixed bug in writing CHECKSUM when read_iomode = create.
    - hxdbsttime:
           fixed bug in writing CHECKSUM of BSTIDT file.
    - hxdwambstid:
           fixed bug in writing HHMMSS and FRZN_HHMMSS, and
           fixed bug when a FRZON or FRZOF time does not come.
    - hxdmkwamspec:
           fixed bug of uninitialized parameters.     
    - hxdmkbstlc:
           fixed bug in writing CHECKSUM of lc files.
    - hxdmkbstspec:
           fixed bug in writing COUNTS of pha files.
     XIS specific tools:
    - xisllegtigen (new):
           Generate a FITS file of good time interval (GTI) that
           does not suffer from incorrect light leak estimation (LLE).
    - mkphlist:
           Update help file slightly.
    - xiscoord:
           Use fits_update_key() instead of fits_modify_key()
           in writing TLMINn keywords.
    - xisgtigen:
           Fix potential bug (writing null rows) in writing GTI.
    - xispi:
           Change the number of transfers in window mode.
           Use simplified SCI-on CTI correction formula.
    - xisputpixelquality:
           Update help file slightly.
    - xistime:
           Accept timfile=NONE to re-generate GTI.
    - xisrmfgen:
           Update 2x2 and psum messages in both code and help file.
    - xissim:
           Bug fix in writing RAWY column (RAWX values were written before).
           Fix xrrt ray-tracing library for segmentation fault in rare occasions.
    - xissimarfgen:
           Fix xrrt ray-tracing library for segmentation fault in rare occasions.
    Swift software Version 3.2(Bld24.2) - Changes since HEASoft v6.6.1:
     BAT specific tools:
    - battblocks:
           Bug fixed: sscanf'ing of double precision argument with single
           precision format code.
     UVOT specific tools:
    - uvotgrblc (v1.2):
           * Improved rejection of "bad" field sources used for FIELDSTARS
             aperture correction method.
           * Implemented centroiding of input images with uvotcentroid.
           * Improved plotting of lightcurves and images.
           * Added finding chart image plots.
           * New parameter 'object': overrides OBJECT keyword from FITS headers
             in plotting and output FITS headers.
           * New parameter 'skysummed': allows for input summed images to be
             treated as sky images (a.k.a. snapshots).
           * New parameter 'apermethod': allows user decide which of Curve of
             Growth or field star aperture correction methods gets used.
           * New parameter 'centroid': determines whether to run uvotcentroid
             on input images.
           * New parameter 'bkgfield': determines if detected field sources
             are excluded from user-supplied background region file or not.
           * New parameter 'usetrigtime': determines if light curves are offset
             by TRIGTIME (or 'trigtime' parameter).
           * New parameters 'usetargid' and 'targid': used in plotting.
           * New parameter 'fldexpthresh': improves selection of field stars
             for aperture correction.
           * New parameter 'appendcurves': determines if all light curves
             should be merged into a single, multi-extension FITS table.
           * New parameters 'xrtsrcra', 'xrtsrcdec', 'batsrcra', 'batsrcdec':
             if provided, error circles will be plotted on finding chart image.
    - uvotsource:
           Correction for coincidence-loss error calculations for source and
           background rates.
     XRT specific tools:
    - xrtcalcpi:
           * Added energy dependence in column to column PI correction for charge
           * Handle new gain CALDB file format
           * New input parameter 'corrtype' to choose the method for PHA to PI
           * New input parameters 'userctcorrpar', 'alpha1', 'alpha2' and 'ebreak'
             to allow users to input coefficients for energy dependence of charge
             traps correction.
           * New input parameter 'savepinom' to store the PI values calculated
             with nominal method (i.e. old algorithm) in the 'PI_NOM' column.
    - xrtgrblc:
           * Lowered distance at which a detected source is considered a field
             source from .01 degrees to 0.0028 degrees.
           * Update DATE-OBS/DATE-END keywords.
           * Bug Fixes:
             - Use maketime expression (param maketimeexpr) to generate a full
               GTI for all PC data.
             - This total GTI is used to extract the total PC events used for
               detecting field sources;
             - Changed PHA handling to not ignore PHAs with zero counts.  This
               effects the normalized count rate in Xspec, since the exposure
               time was not correct;
             - Fixed bug in updating orbit stop times after determining where
               to split orbits;
             - Fixed wrong calculation of split energy band flux conversion -
               now uses model flux in split energy bands divided by
               corresponding count rate;
             - Work-around for file limits in mathpha;
             - Work-around mgtime file limits;
             - Fixed a handful of undeclared variables.
    - xrtpipeline:
          New input parameters 'picorrtype' and 'savepinom' for xrtcalcpi call.
    - xrtproducts:
           Bug fixed in xselect task call.
    - xrtscreen:
           Bug fixed in xselect task call.

    HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk

    If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft [ascl:1408.004] or the ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper [ascl:9912.002]:

    Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.

    Web page maintained by: Bryan K. Irby

    HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public

    Last modified: Wednesday, 03-Jun-2009 11:14:20 EDT

    HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details.