FTOOLS: The ASCA Sub-package
The ASCA sub-package of FTOOLS
contains mission-specific tasks for the ASCA
The following ASCA tasks were released in the latest distribution of the HEASARC's FTOOLS package. Each task is hyperlinked
to the help file distributed with the task. The same information can
be obtained while running FTOOLS by typing the command fhelp
ASCA Tasks
- add_sis_rmf
- Reports percentage of counts in evtfile in each chip
- addascaspec
- Combine ASCA spectral files
- ascaarf
- Generates an ASCA ARF file for an input PHA file
- ascaeffmap
- Generates an ASCA EFF detector image file for an input PHA file
- ascaexpo
- Generate an exposure map for an ASCA observation
- ascalin
- Produce the ASCA calibrated science file data products
- ascascreen
- Cleans raw ASCA science files
- ascaray
- ASCA mirror ray tracing program
- ascatape
- Read FITS files off NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied ASCA
data distribution tapes.
- aspect
- Computes the euler angles of the best aspect point
- attitude
- Compute summary information for an ASCA attitude file
- cleansis
- Detect anomalous ASCA SIS pixel values and output the cleaned
events file with a 'hot pixel' extension appended
- corpileup
- Apply pileup correction to ASCA data
- correctrdd
- Apply RDD correction to ASCA SIS FAINT, BRIGHT or BRIGHT2 data
- dfe2mkf
- Insert output information of FAINTDFE into existing MKF file
- faint
- Convert ASCA faint mode data to a bright mode format
- faintdfe
- Calculate the dark frame error for SIS FAINT mode data
- fasttime
- Corrects SIS FAST mode data times
- fastwmap
- Add a WMAP to a FAST mode spectral file
- ghkcurve
- Extract light curve from ASCA GIS housekeeping file
- ghkdump
- Display GIS housekeeping parameters of the GIS HK file
- gisrti
- Compute Rise Time Invariant value in GIS PH mode science file
- gis3bitfix
- Fix science files affected by the GIS3 3 bit LSB error
Adapted to Perl from gis3bitfix.e
- gqaplot
- ASCA GIS quick analysis ftool
- ldeadtime
- Carry out deadtime correction for FITS light curves
- make_ascaray_images
- run the ftool "ascaray" sequentially for 300 energies from 0.1 keV to 12 keV.
- mkdtime
- Calculates the deadtime fractions for the GIS
- mkfilter2
- Produce an ASCA filter file for XSELECT
- mkgisbgd
- Create exposure corrected blank sky spectrum and image
from point-source removed blank sky event files
- offsetcoord
- Offset a celestial coordinate pair
- sisclean
- Plot frequency histogram of an SIS image file and apply an
intensity threshold cut
- sisgbr
- QDP fit branching ratios derived from FITS data
- sishist
- Frequency histogram of an image created from an SIS event file
- sispi
- Fills PI column of ASCA SIS event files
- sisrmg
- Generate SIS instrument response matrix
- sqaplot
- ASCA SIS quick analysis ftool
- temp2gain
- Make a GIS gain history file in FITS format from FRF file
- timeconv
- Convert from satellite to barycentric
If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this
site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the
ASCL reference for HEASoft
[ascl:1408.004] or the
ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper
Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,
and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.