arfII class public methods

  •   arfII()
      arfII(const arfII& a)
      arfII(const string filename, const Integer ARFnumber = 1,
            const IntegerVector& RowNumber = IntegerVector())

    Constructors. The first is the default constructor and the other two are constructor versions of the copy and read methods described below.

  •   ~arfII()

    Default destructor.

  •  Integer read(string filename, Integer ARFnumber = 1, 
                  IntegerVector& RowNumber = IntegerVector())

    Read an ARF type II file into an object. If ARFnumber is given then read from the SPECRESP extension with EXTVER=ARFnumber. If the RowNumber array is given then read those in the extension otherwise read all the arfs.

  •  arfII& copy(const arfII&)
     arfII& operator= (const arfII&)

    Deep copy.

  •  arf get(Integer number) const

    Get arf object (counts from zero).

  •  void push(arf ea)

    Push arf object into arfII object

  •  string disp() const

    Display information about the ARFs. - return as a string.

  •  void clear()

    Clear information from the ARFs.

  •  string check() const

    Check completeness and consistency of information in the arfs, if there is a problem then return diagnostic in string.

  •  Integer write(const string filename, const string sourceFilename="")

    Write ARFs as type II file. Note that if the output filename exists and already has a SPECRESP extension then this method will write an additional SPECRESP extension provided no sourceFilename is given. If sourceFilename is given then the primary HDU and any other extra HDUs are copied into the output file as well as any extra keywords or columns in the spectrum extension.

  •  Integer NumberARFs() const
  •  Integer getNumberARFs() const

    Return the number of ARFs in the object.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 28-Feb-2024 16:27:31 EST