template <class T> void GroupBin(const std::vector<T>& inArray,
const Integer mode,
const grouping& GroupInfo,
std::vector<T>& outArray)
template <class T> void GroupBin(const std::valarray<T>& inArray,
const Integer mode,
const grouping& GroupInfo,
std::valarray<T>& outArray)
This routine applies GroupInfo to the input inArray to
create the output outArray. The behavior is determined by
mode which can take five values: SumMode which adds the
contents of all bins in a group; SumQuadMode which adds the
bins in quadrature; MeanMode which returns the arithmetic
mean of the all bins in a group; FirstEltMode which returns
the value of the first bin in each group; LastEltMode which
returns the value of the last bin in each group.
Integer readBinFactors(string filename, IntegerVector& StartBin,
IntegerVector& EndBin, IntegerVector& BinFactor)
Read a file containing grouping information and place into
the arrays StartBin, EndBin and BinFactor. Each line of
the file should have three numbers, the start bin, end bin, and
grouping factor.
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Last modified: Wednesday, 28-Aug-2024 16:49:34 EDT