These C++ routines can be found in SPutils.h and SPutils.cxx and are not
available from Python.
void SPreadColUnits(CCfits::ExtHDU&, const string, string&)
Read the units associated with a column.
void SPwriteColUnits(CCfits::Table&, const string, const string)
Write the units associated with a column.
string SPstringTform(const StringVector& Data)
Returns the tform string for the longest string in the input vector.
Integer SPcopyHDUs(const string infile, const string outfile)
Copy from infile to outfile all HDUs which are not manipulated by this library.
Integer SPcopyCols(const string infile, const string outfile,
const string HDUname, const Integer HDUnumber = 1);
Copy non-critical columns from infile to outfile for the HDUnumber instance
of the HDUname HDU.
Integer SPcopyKeys(const string infile, const string outfile,
const string HDUname, const Integer HDUnumber = 1)
Integer SPcopyKeys(const string infile, const string outfile,
string HDUname, const string outHDUname,
const Integer HDUnumber = 1,
const Integer outHDUnumber = 1 )
Copy non-critical keywords from infile to outfile for HDUname
extension with EXTVER HDUnumber.
Integer SPwriteCreator(const string filename, const string HDUname,
const string creator, const Integer HDUnumber = 1)
Write the creating program and version id string into the
CREATOR keyword in the specified file.
IntegerVector SPfindExtensions(const string filename,
const string keyname, const string value,
Integer& Status);
Find the numbers of any extensions containing keyword
bool SPisValidXUnits(const string xUnits)
Checks whether xUnits are supported.
Integer SPcalcXfactor(const string xUnits, bool& isWave, Real& xFactor)
Calculates the conversion factor for xUnits
energies/wavelength to keV. If xUnits is wavelength then
returns isWave as true.
bool SPisValidYUnits(const string yUnits)
Checks whether yUnits are supported.
Integer SPcalcYfactor(const string yUnits, bool& isEnergy, bool& perWave,
Real& yFactor)
Calculates the conversion factor for yUnits to ph/cm/s.
If yUnits contains an energy numerator (eg ergs) then
returns isEnergy as true. If yUnits contains a wavelength
denominator (eg micron) returns perWave as true.
void SPreportError(const int errorNumber,
const string optionalString = “”)
Add to the error stack errorNumber along with an optional
string containing additional information.
string SPgetErrorStack()
Write the entire error stack into a string.
string SPclearErrorStack()
Clear the error stack.
StringVector SPreadStrings(const string& filename)
Read a text file and place each row into its own element of
a StringVector.
StringVector SPtokenize(const string & str, const string & delim)
Divide a string into substrings delimited using delim.
string SPmatchString(const string& str,
const StringVector& strArray, int& nmatch)
Partial match a string from a vector of strings.
string SPtrimString(const string& str)
Remove leading and trailing blanks from a string.
bool SPstring2Real(const StringVector& str,
RealVector& value)
bool SPstring2Real(const string& str, Real& value)
Convert a string or vector of strings into a Real or vector of Reals.
bool SPstring2double(const StringVector& str,
std::vector<double>& value)
bool SPstring2double(const string& str, double& value)
Convert a string or vector of strings into a double or vector of doubles.
bool SPstring2float(const StringVector& str,
std::vector<float>& value)
bool SPstring2float(const string& str, float& value)
Convert a string or vector of strings into a float or vector of floats.
bool SPstring2Integer(const StringVector& str,
IntegerVector& value)
bool SPstring2Integer(const string& str, Integer& value)
Convert a string or vector of strings into an Integer or vector of Integers.
bool SPrangeString2IntegerList(const string& str, const string& delim1,
const string& delim2, IntegerVector& list)
Convert a string of delimited range specifications of form n1"delim2"n2
meaning n1 to n2 inclusive or n3 meaning just n3. Ranges are delimited
using delim1.
void SPcalcShift(const RealVector& Low,
const RealVector& High, const IntegerVector& vStart,
const IntegerVector& vEnd, const RealVector& vShift,
const RealVector& vFactor,
std::vector<std::vector<size\_t> >& fromIndex,
std::vector<RealVector>& Fraction)
Calculate factors for shifting an array
template <class T> void SPfind(const T& array, const Real& target,
Integer& index)
Find the position in the array of the target value. If array
is increasing the index is the last element in array
target; if target array[0] then index = -1; if target
array[array.size()-1] then index = array.size()-1.
If array is decreasing the index is the last element in
array target; if target array[0] then index = -1;
if target array[array.size()-1] then index =
array.size()-1. The template class T can be either vector
or valarray of Real or Integer.
template <class T> void SPbisect(Integer& lower, Integer& upper,
const T& array, const Real& target,
bool increasing)
Do a bisection search between indices lower and upper on
array to find target. On exit lower and upper are set to
the indices which bracket target.
IntegerVector SPcalcOptBins(const RealVector& FWHM,
const IntegerVector& counts)
Calculate the Kaastra & Bleeker optimal binsizes based on
input FWHM and counts arrays.
bool SPcheckStokesConsistency(const string& stokesP1,
const string& stokesW1,
const string& stokesP2,
const string& stokesW2)
Check for consistency between two sets of Stokes information
bool SPfindFirstBins(const RealVector& currentBins,
const RealVector& targetBins, size_t& currentStart,
size_t& targetStart)
Find first bin in targetBins which is contained in the range
of currentBins and the bin in currentBins to which it corresponds.
bool SPinitializeBins(const RealVector& currentBins,
const RealVector& targetBins,
const size_t& currentStart, const size_t& targetStart,
IntegerVector& startBin, IntegerVector& endBin,
RealVector& startWeight, RealVector& endWeight)
Calculate start and end bins (and weightings) of currentBins
for each bin in targetBins.