Utility routines

These C++ routines can be found in SPutils.h and SPutils.cxx and are not available from Python.

  •  void SPreadColUnits(CCfits::ExtHDU&, const string, string&)

    Read the units associated with a column.

  •  void SPwriteColUnits(CCfits::Table&, const string, const string)

    Write the units associated with a column.

  •  string SPstringTform(const StringVector& Data)

    Returns the tform string for the longest string in the input vector.

  •  Integer SPcopyHDUs(const string infile, const string outfile)

    Copy from infile to outfile all HDUs which are not manipulated by this library.

  •  Integer SPcopyCols(const string infile, const string outfile,
                        const string HDUname, const Integer HDUnumber = 1);

    Copy non-critical columns from infile to outfile for the HDUnumber instance of the HDUname HDU.

  •  Integer SPcopyKeys(const string infile, const string outfile,
                        const string HDUname, const Integer HDUnumber = 1)
     Integer SPcopyKeys(const string infile, const string outfile, 
                        string HDUname, const string outHDUname,
                        const Integer HDUnumber = 1,
                        const Integer outHDUnumber = 1 )

    Copy non-critical keywords from infile to outfile for HDUname extension with EXTVER HDUnumber.

  •  Integer SPwriteCreator(const string filename, const string HDUname,
                            const string creator, const Integer HDUnumber = 1)

    Write the creating program and version id string into the CREATOR keyword in the specified file.

  •  IntegerVector SPfindExtensions(const string filename,
                                    const string keyname, const string value,
                                    Integer& Status);

    Find the numbers of any extensions containing keyword keyname=keyvalue

  •  bool SPisValidXUnits(const string xUnits)

    Checks whether xUnits are supported.

  •  Integer SPcalcXfactor(const string xUnits, bool& isWave, Real& xFactor)

    Calculates the conversion factor for xUnits energies/wavelength to keV. If xUnits is wavelength then returns isWave as true.

  •  bool SPisValidYUnits(const string yUnits)

    Checks whether yUnits are supported.

  •  Integer SPcalcYfactor(const string yUnits, bool& isEnergy, bool& perWave,
                           Real& yFactor)

    Calculates the conversion factor for yUnits to ph/cm$^2$/s. If yUnits contains an energy numerator (eg ergs) then returns isEnergy as true. If yUnits contains a wavelength denominator (eg micron) returns perWave as true.

  •  void SPreportError(const int errorNumber,
                        const string optionalString = “”)

    Add to the error stack errorNumber along with an optional string containing additional information.

  •  string SPgetErrorStack()

    Write the entire error stack into a string.

  •  string SPclearErrorStack()

    Clear the error stack.

  •  StringVector SPreadStrings(const string& filename)

    Read a text file and place each row into its own element of a StringVector.

  •  StringVector SPtokenize(const string & str, const string & delim)

    Divide a string into substrings delimited using delim.

  •  string SPmatchString(const string& str, 
                          const StringVector& strArray, int& nmatch)

    Partial match a string from a vector of strings.

  •  string SPtrimString(const string& str)

    Remove leading and trailing blanks from a string.

  •  bool SPstring2Real(const StringVector& str,
                        RealVector& value)
     bool SPstring2Real(const string& str, Real& value)

    Convert a string or vector of strings into a Real or vector of Reals.

  •  bool SPstring2double(const StringVector& str,
                          std::vector<double>& value)
     bool SPstring2double(const string& str, double& value)

    Convert a string or vector of strings into a double or vector of doubles.

  •  bool SPstring2float(const StringVector& str,
                         std::vector<float>& value)
     bool SPstring2float(const string& str, float& value)

    Convert a string or vector of strings into a float or vector of floats.

  •  bool SPstring2Integer(const StringVector& str,
                           IntegerVector& value)
     bool SPstring2Integer(const string& str, Integer& value)

    Convert a string or vector of strings into an Integer or vector of Integers.

  •  bool SPrangeString2IntegerList(const string& str, const string& delim1, 
                                    const string& delim2, IntegerVector& list)

    Convert a string of delimited range specifications of form n1"delim2"n2 meaning n1 to n2 inclusive or n3 meaning just n3. Ranges are delimited using delim1.

  •  void SPcalcShift(const RealVector& Low,
                      const RealVector& High, const IntegerVector& vStart,
                      const IntegerVector& vEnd, const RealVector& vShift,
                      const RealVector& vFactor,
                      std::vector<std::vector<size\_t> >& fromIndex,
                      std::vector<RealVector>& Fraction)

    Calculate factors for shifting an array

  •  template <class T> void SPfind(const T& array, const Real& target,
                                    Integer& index)

    Find the position in the array of the target value. If array is increasing the index is the last element in array $\leq$ target; if target $<$ array[0] then index = -1; if target $\geq$ array[array.size()-1] then index = array.size()-1. If array is decreasing the index is the last element in array $\geq$ target; if target $>$ array[0] then index = -1; if target $\leq$ array[array.size()-1] then index = array.size()-1. The template class T can be either vector or valarray of Real or Integer.

  •  template <class T> void SPbisect(Integer& lower, Integer& upper,
                                      const T& array, const Real& target,
                                      bool increasing)

    Do a bisection search between indices lower and upper on array to find target. On exit lower and upper are set to the indices which bracket target.

  •  IntegerVector SPcalcOptBins(const RealVector& FWHM,
                                 const IntegerVector& counts)

    Calculate the Kaastra & Bleeker optimal binsizes based on input FWHM and counts arrays.

  •  bool SPcheckStokesConsistency(const string& stokesP1,
                                   const string& stokesW1,
                                   const string& stokesP2,
                                   const string& stokesW2)

    Check for consistency between two sets of Stokes information

  •  bool SPfindFirstBins(const RealVector& currentBins,
                          const RealVector& targetBins, size_t& currentStart,
                          size_t& targetStart)

    Find first bin in targetBins which is contained in the range of currentBins and the bin in currentBins to which it corresponds.

  •  bool SPinitializeBins(const RealVector& currentBins,
                           const RealVector& targetBins,
                           const size_t& currentStart, const size_t& targetStart,
                           IntegerVector& startBin, IntegerVector& endBin,
                           RealVector& startWeight, RealVector& endWeight)

    Calculate start and end bins (and weightings) of currentBins for each bin in targetBins.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 28-Feb-2024 16:27:31 EST