Model | Description |
absori | Ionized absorber. |
acisabs | Extra absorption due to contamination on the ACIS filters. |
agauss, zagauss | Gaussian line profile in wavelength space. |
agnsed | AGN SED model. |
agnslim | AGN super-Eddington accretion model. |
ascac | ASCA PSF mixing model. |
apec, vapec, vvapec, bapec, bvapec, bvvapec | APEC thermal plasma model. |
atable | Additive table model. |
bbody, zbbody | Blackbody spectrum, with redshift variant |
bbodyrad | Blackbody spectrum with norm proportional to surface area. |
bexrav | E-folded broken power-law reflected from neutral matter |
bexriv | E-folded broken power-law reflected from ionized matter |
bknpower, zbknpower | Broken powerlaw. |
bkn2pow | Three-segment broken powerlaw. |
bmc | Comptonization by relativistically moving matter. |
bremss, vbremss, zbremss | Thermal bremsstrahlung, with redshift variant. |
brnei, bvrnei, bvvrnei | Velocity broadened non-equilibrium thermal plasma model. |
btapec, bvtapec, bvvtapec | Broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
bwcycl | Becker-Wolff self-consistent cyclotron line model |
c6mekl, c6pmekl, c6vmekl, c6pvmkl | 6th-order Chebyshev polynomial DEM using mekal and variants |
cabs | Compton scattering (non-relativistic) |
carbatm | Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron star |
cemekl, cevmkl | Multi-temperature mekal. |
cempow, vcempow, bcempow, bvcempow | Differential emission measure using a power-law. |
cflow | Cooling flow model. |
cflux | Calculate flux of other model components. |
cglumin | Calculate luminosity of other model components of a galactic source. |
cheb6, vcheb6, bcheb6, bvcheb6 | Differential emission measure using a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
cie, vcie, vvcie, bcie, bvcie, bvvcie | thermal plasma in collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
clmass, nfwmass, monomass | Cluster mass mixing models. |
clumin | Calculate luminosity of other model components. |
compbb | Comptonized blackbody spectrum after Nishimura et al. 1986. |
compLS | Comptonization spectrum after Lamb and Sanford 1979. |
compmag | Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylindrical accretion onto the polar cap of a magnetized neutron star. |
compPS | Comptonization spectrum after Poutanen and Svenson 1986. |
compST | Comptonization spectrum after Sunyaev and Titarchuk 1980. |
comptb | Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spectrum. |
compTT | Comptonization spectrum after Titarchuk 1994. |
constant | Energy-independent multiplicative factor. |
coolflow, vcoolflow, bcoolflow, bvcoolflow | Cooling flow model. |
cpflux | Convolution model to calculate photon flux. |
cph, vcph, bcph, bvcph | Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters. |
cplinear | Non-physical model for low count background spectra. |
crossarf | Mixing model for psf corrections when fitting multiple regions. |
cutoffpl, zcutoffpl | Powerlaw with high energy exponential rolloff. |
cyclabs | Cyclotron absorption line. |
disk | Disk model. |
diskbb | Multiple blackbody disk model. |
diskir | Irradiated inner and outer disk. |
diskline | Line emission from relativistic accretion disk. |
diskm | Disk model with gas pressure viscosity. |
disko | Modified blackbody disk model. |
diskpbb | Accretion disk with power-law T(r) |
diskpn | Accretion disk around a black hole. |
dust | Dust scattering out of the beam. |
edge, zedge | Absorption edge. |
eebremss | Electron-electron bremsstrahlung. |
eplogpar | Log-parabolic blazar model with vFv normalization. |
eqpair, eqtherm, compth | Paolo Coppi's hybrid hot plasma emission models. |
equil, vequil | Equilibrium ionization collisional plasma model from Borkowski. |
etable | Table model for exponential of -1 times the input. |
expabs | Low-energy exponential rolloff. |
expcheb6, vexpcheb6, bexpcheb6, bvexpcheb6 | Differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
expdec | Exponential decay |
expfac | Exponential factor. |
ezdiskbb | Multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque inner boundary. |
gabs, zgabs | Gaussian absorption line. |
gadem, vgadem, vvgadem, bgadem, bvgadem, bvvgadem | Plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
gauss, zgauss | Simple gaussian line profile. |
gnei, vgnei | Generalized single ionization NEI plasma model. |
grad | GR accretion disk around a black hole. |
grbcomp | Comptonization model for GRB prompt emission. |
grbjet | Two-phase Comptonization model of soft thermal seed photons for GRB prompt emission. |
grbm | Gamma-ray burst model. |
gsmooth | Gaussian smoothing with an energy dependent sigma. |
hatm | Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star. |
heilin | Voigt absorption profiles for He I series. |
highecut, zhighect | High energy cutoff. |
hrefl | Simple reflection model good up to 15 keV. |
ireflect | Reflection from ionized material. |
ismabs | High resolution ISM absorption model. |
ismdust | Extinction due to silicate and graphite grains. |
jet | Leptonic relativistic jet model. |
kdblur | Convolve with the Laor model shape. |
kdblur2 | Convolve with the Laor2 model shape. |
kerrbb, zkerrbb | Multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
kerrconv | Accretion disk line shape with BH spin as free parameter. |
kerrd | Optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
kerrdisk | Accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter. |
kyconv | Convolve with kyrline model shape. |
kyrline | Line from accretion disk around a spinning black hole. |
laor | Line from accretion disk around a black hole. |
laor2 | Line from accretion disk with broken power-law emissivity around a black hole. |
logpar, zlogpar | Log-parabolic blazar model. |
lorentz | Lorentzian line profile. |
lsmooth | Lorentzian smoothing with an energy dependent sigma. |
logconst | Constant in log units. |
log10con | Constant in base 10 log units. |
lyman | Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series. |
meka, vmeka | Mewe-Gronenschild-Kaastra thermal plasma (1992). |
mekal, vmekal | Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl thermal plasma (1995). |
mkcflow, vmcflow | Cooling flow model based on mekal. |
mtable | Multiplicative table model. |
nei, vnei | Simple nonequilibrium ionization plasma model. |
nlapec | Continuum-only APEC emission spectrum. |
notch | Notch line absorption. |
npshock, vnpshock | Plane-parallel shock with ion and electron temperatures. |
nsa | Neutron star with hydrogen atmosphere |
nsagrav | Neutron star with hydrogen atmosphere for different g. |
nsatmos | Neutron star H atmosphere with e-conduction and self-irradiation |
nsmax | Neutron star magnetic atmosphere. |
nsmaxg | Neutron star with a magnetic atmosphere. |
nsx | Neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere. |
nteea | Pair plasma model. |
nthcomp | Thermally comptonized continuum. |
olivineabs | Extinction due to olivine grains. |
optxagnf, optxagn | Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. |
partcov | Convert absorption model into a partial covering absorption. |
pcfabs, zpcfabs | Partial covering fraction absorption. |
pegpwrlw | Powerlaw with pegged normalization. |
pexmon | Neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent Fe and Ni lines. |
pexrav | Exponentially cut-off power-law reflected from neutral matter. |
pexriv | Exponentially cut-off power-law reflected from ionized matter. |
phabs, vphabs, zphabs, zvphabs | Photo-electric absorption |
pileup | CCD pile-up model for Chandra |
plabs | Absorption model with power-law dependence on energy. |
plcabs | Cut-off powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter. |
polconst | Constant polarization. |
pollin | Linearly dependent polarization. |
polpow | Powerlaw dependent polarization. |
posm | Positronium continuum. |
powerlaw, zpowerlw | Simple photon power law. |
projct | 3-D to 2-D projection mixing model. |
pshock, vpshock | Constant temperature, plane-parallel shock plasma model. |
pwab | Power-law distribution of neutral absorbers. |
qsosed | Simplified form of the AGN SED model. |
raymond, vraymond | Raymond-Smith thermal plasma. |
rdblur | Convolve with the diskline model shape. |
recorn | Change correction norm for a spectrum (replaces old recornrm command). |
redden | IR/optical/UV extinction from Cardelli et al. (1989) |
redge | Recombination edge. |
reflect | reflection from neutral matter |
refsch | E-folded power-law reflected from an ionized relativistic disk. |
relconv, relconvlp, relconvlpext | Convolve with the relline model shape. |
relline, rellinelp, rellinelpext | Emission line from relativistic accretion disk around a BH. |
rfxconv | angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk |
rgsxsrc | XMM RGS extended source |
rnei, vrnei, vvrnei | Non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
polrot | Rotate polarization. |
sedov, vsedov | Sedov model with electron and ion temperatures. |
sirf | Multi-blackbody self-irradiated funnel model. |
simpl | Comptonization of a seed spectrum. |
slimbh | Stationary slim accretion disk. |
smaug | Model for an optically-thin, spherically-symmetric thermal plasma. |
smedge | Smoothed absorption edge. |
snapec, bsnapec | Galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields. |
spexpcut | Super-exponential cutoff absorption. |
spline | Spline multiplicative factor. |
srcut | Synchrotron radiation from cut-off electron distribution. |
sresc | Synchrotron radiation from escape-limited electron distribution. |
ssa | Strangeon star atmosphere model. |
SSsed | Shakura-Sunyaev spectral energy distribution. |
SSSice | Einstein Observatory SSS ice absorption. |
step | Step function convolved with gaussian. |
suzpsf | Suzaku PSF mixing model. |
swind1 | Absorption by partially ionized material with large velocity shear. |
tapec, vtapec, vvtapec | APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
tbabs, ztbabs, tbgrain, tbvarabs | Absorption due to the ISM including molecules and grains. |
thcomp | Thermally comptonized continuum convolution model. |
uvred | UV reddening. |
vagauss, zvagauss | Gaussian line profile in wavelength space with sigma in km/s. |
varabs, zvarabs | Photoelectric absorption with variable abundances. |
vashift | Velocity shifts an additive model. |
vgabs, zvgabs | Gaussian absorption line with sigma in km/s. |
vgauss, zvgauss | Simple gaussian line profile with sigma in km/s. |
voigt | A simple Voigt line profile. |
wabs, zwabs | Photoelectric absorption (Morrison & McCammon). |
wdem, vwdem, vvwdem, bwdem, bvwdem, bvvwdem | Plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
wndabs, zwndabs | Photoelectric absorption with low energy window. |
xion | The reflected spectrum from a photo-ionized accretion disk. |
xilconv | angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk |
xmmpsf | XMM PSF model |
xscat | dust scattering |
zashift | Redshift an additive model. |
zbabs | EUV ISM attenuation. |
zdust | Extinction by dust grains (Pei, 1992). |
zigm | UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium. |
zmshift | Redshift a multiplicative model. |
zredden | Redshifted IR/optical/UV extinction from Cardelli et al. (1989) |
zsmdust | Extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies. |
zvfeabs | Redshifted absorption with variable iron abundance. |
zxipab | Power-law distribution of ionized absorbers. |
zxipcf | Partial covering absorption by partially ionized material. |
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