eROSITA Data Analysis

eROSITA-DE has released X-ray software to analyse eROSITA data! As part of the eROSITA-DE Early Data Release (EDR), the necessary software to reduce and analyse the eROSITA data was made public. Since then, the tasks that made up the eROSITA Science Analysis Software System (eSASS), have evolved. The eROSITA-DE Data Release 1 (DR1) was produced with a new version of eSASS, which is also made public through this site under the name of eSASS4DR1. Notes:
  1. The public eRASS1 data processing version is 010. Changes between the two versions is described here
  2. The EDR data was not reprocessed with this processing version, and these data are not part of DR1.
The HEASARC provides information for both eSASS and eSASS4DR1.

Link Description
Download and Installation for eSASS and eSASS4DR1 The software are distributed in a tgz file for Ubuntu systems or as a Docker-container, which can be used on macOS, Windows and other Linux distributions. The link provides directions on how to download, install and use the software and the Docker-container.
Tasks for eSASS and eSASS4DR1 A list of the software users' release task can be found, together with a short description of each.
Cookbook for eSASS and eSASS4DR1 Simple guide to the basic eROSITA data analysis tasks, including extraction of images and source spectra, creation of exposure, background and sensitivity maps, performing source detection, etc.
Product Description for eSASS and eSASS4DR1 Provides information about the onboard eROSITA CCDs, the description of event files' naming scheme used by the pipeline, a concise overview of the header keywords in the event files, a detailed explanation of the different extensions in the event files and a concise description the columns in the source catalogs produced by the software tasks ermldet and catprep.

If you need help, with the eROSITA data analysis please send your queries to the eROSITA Help forum .