CLear | Immediately clear the graphics device |
COlor | Change the default colour index |
CONtour | Produce a contour plot |
CPD | Change the plotting device |
CQuit | Clear the graphics device and return control to XSPEC |
CSize | Change the default character size |
Error | Control whether errors are displayed and used in fitting |
EXit | Exit PLT and return control to XSPEC |
Fit | Fit the PLT model to the data |
FNy | Evaluate the model at the specified location |
FOnt | Change the default text font |
Freeze | Freeze a parameter value |
GAp | Change the default gap size between the data and the edge |
Grid | Control the location of the major and minor tic marks |
Hardcopy | Make a file that can later be printed |
HElp | Obtain help on any PLT command |
Imodel | Numerically integrate the model over specified range |
LAbel | Add or remove labels from the plot |
LIne | Control whether a line is used to connect data points |
LOg | Control whether data is plotted using a log10 scale |
LStyle | Change the default style of the line connecting the data points |
LWidth | Change the default line width |
MArker | Control whether the data points are plotted with markers |
MOdel | Define a PLT model |
Newpar | Change a parameter value associated with the model |
PLot | Immediately re-plot the data |
PRompt | Change the PLT |
Rescale | Reset the minimum and maximum plot range |
SCr | Change the color representation of the specified color index |
SHow | Display the values of PLT internal variables |
SKip | Control how PLT divides data into vectors |
STatistics | Compute various statistical properties of the data |
THaw | Allow a parameter value to vary during a fit |
Time | Control whether the time stamp is plotted |
Uncertainty | Compute the uncertainty in a parameter value |
VErsion | Display date of the most recent modification to PLT |
Viewport | Control the size of the viewport plotting area |
WData | Write a QDP data file to disk |
WEnviron | Write both QDP data and header files to disk |
WHead | Write a QDP header file to disk |
WModel | Write a model file to disk |
Xaxis | Define the method used to calculate the x-variable |
Yaxis | Define the y-axis scale for a contour plot |
$ | Execute operating system commands |
@filename | Read commands from a PLT command (.pco) file |
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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:25 EDT