ftlist | Prints the contents of a FITS file to the screen or to a file |
ftdmprmf | Prints the contents of a FITS RMF file to the screen or to a file. This tool prints the RMF file in a more legible fashion than ftlist |
HEAsoft manipulation tasks
fthedit | Changes the value of a keyword in a FITS extension header |
ftgrouppha | Defines (or redefines) and/or displays the grouping and quality flags, the important keywords, and the fractional systematic errors. |
ftrbnpha | Compresses a FITS PHA file to a user-defined number of channels. The output is a new file containing the revised PHA extension plus a direct copy of any other extensions in the original file. |
mathpha | Performs arithmetical operations on PHA files. |
ftcmppha | Convert a type II pha file to a type I pha file. |
ftrbnrmf | Bins a FITS RMF file (the detector response matrix) in channel or energy space. |
ftcmprmf | Compress an RMF by removing all response below a threshold value. |
ftaddarf | Adds together ARFs. |
ftaddrmf | Adds together RMFs. |
ftmarfrmf | Multiplies an RMF file by an ARF file. |
ftgenrsp | A generic spectral response generator. |
fv | A general GUI for manipulating FITS files. |
HEAsoft subroutines
The heasp library in heacore/heasp is a C++ class library for manipulating all the filetypes used by XSPEC. This provides both C++ and C routines as well as a Python package. A complete description is available at: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/lheasoft/headas/heasp/heasp_guide.html
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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:25 EDT