
create tcl variables from current state

Write internal xspec data to a tcl variable. This facility allows the manipulation of xspec data by tcl scripts, so that one can, for example, extract data from xspec runs and store in output files, format xspec output data as desired, use independent plotting software, etc.

Syntax: tclout <option>[<par1>] [<par2>] [<par3>]

tclout creates the tcl variable $xspec_tclout, which can then of course be set to any named variable. The allowed values of <option> are:

? Show the valid options. Does not set $xspec_tclout.
areascal n <s|b> Writes a string of blank separated values giving the AREASCAL values for spectrum n. If no second argument is given or it is “s” then the values are from the source file, if “b” from the background file.
arf n The auxiliary response filename(s) for spectrum n.
backgrnd n Background filename for spectrum n.
backscal n <s|b> Same as areascal option but for BACKSCAL value.
chain best|dic|last|proposal|stat The best option returns the parameter values corresponding to the smallest statistic value in the loaded chains. The dic option returns the deviance information criterion and effective number of parameters calculated by the last chain dic command. The last option returns the final set of parameter values in the loaded chains. The proposal option takes arguments distribution or matrix and returns the name or covariance matrix for the proposal distribution when using Metropolis-Hastings. The stat option returns the output of the last chain stat command.
chatter Current xspec chatter level.
compinfo [<mod>:]n [<group n>] Name, 1st parameter number and number of parameters of model component n, belonging to model w/ optional name <mod>and optional datagroup <group n>.
cosmo Writes a blank separated string containing the Hubble constant (H0), the deceleration parameter (q0), and the cosmological constant (Lambda0). Note that if Lambda0 is non-zero the Universe is assumed to be flat and the value of q0 should be ignored.
covariance [m,n] Element (m,n) from the covariance matrix of the most recent fit. If no indices are specified, then entire covariance matrix is retrieved.
datagrp [n] Data group number for spectrum n. If no n is given, outputs the total number of data groups.
datasets Number of datasets.
dof Degrees of freedom in fit, and the number of channels.
energies [n] Writes a string of blank separated values giving the energies for spectrum n on which the model is calculated. If n is not specified or is 0, it will output the energies of the default dummy response matrix.
eqwidth n [errsims] Last equivalent width calculated for spectrum n. If errsims keyword is supplied, this will instead return the complete sorted array of values generated for the most recent eqwidth error simulation.
error [<mod>:]n (for gain parameters use: rerror [<sourceNum>:]n) Writes last confidence region calculated for parameter n of model with optional name <mod>, and a string listing any errors that occurred during the calculation. The string comprises nine letters, the letter is T or F depending on whether or not an error occurred. The 9 possible errors are:

  1. new minimum found
  2. non-monotonicity detected
  3. minimization may have run into problem
  4. hit hard lower limit
  5. hit hard upper limit
  6. parameter was frozen
  7. search failed in -ve direction
  8. search failed in +ve direction
  9. reduced chi-squared too high

So for example an error string of “FFFFFFFFT” indicates the calculation failed because the reduced chi-squared was too high.

expos n <s|b> Same as areascal option but for EXPOSURE value.
filename n Filename corresponding to spectrum n. If the filename is type II then include the {n} suffix specifying the row from which the spectrum was read.
fileinfo <keyword> n Value of keyword in the SPECTRUM extension of the file corresponding to spectrum n.
flux [n][errsims] Last model flux or luminosity calculated for spectrum n. Writes a string of 6 values: val errLow errHigh (in ergs/cm2) val errLow errHigh (in photons). Error values are .0 if flux was not run with errsims option.

If the errsims keyword is supplied, this will instead return the completed sorted array of values generated during the most recent flux error calculation.

ftest The result of the last ftest command.
gain [<sourceNum>:]<specNum>slope|offset For gain fit parameters: value, delta, min, low, high, max for the slope or offset parameter belonging to the [<sourceNum>:]<specNum>response. For nonfit gain parameters, only the value is returned.
goodness [sims] The percentage of realizations from the last goodness command with statistic value less than the best-fit statistic using the data. If optional sims keyword is specified, this will instead give the full array of simulation values from the last goodness command.
idline e d Possible line IDs within the range [e-d, e+d].
ignore [<n>] The range(s) of the ignored channels for spectrum n.
lumin [n] [errsims] Last model luminosity calculated for spectrum n. Same output format as flux option, in units of $1.0\times 10^{44} erg/s$.
margin probability|fraction|[<modName>:]<parNum> The probability and fraction options return the probability and fraction columns, respectively, from the most recent margin command. Otherwise, the parameter column indicated by <parNum>is returned. Note that for multi-dimensional margin the returned parameter column will contain duplicate values, in the same order as they originally appeared on the screen during the margin run.
model Description of current model(s).
modcomp [<modName>] Number of components in model (with optional model name).
modgroups [<modName>] The data group numbers associated with a model (with optional model name).
modnames The names of models.
modkeyval [<key>] The value attached to <key>in the model (key,value) database. Key and value pairs can be added to this database by calling in a function routine the method loadDbValue(const string key, Real value) for C++ or PDBVAL(character*(*) key, double precision value) for Fortran. A list of the current (key,value) pairs can be obtained by entering “?” for <key>.
modpar [<modName>] Number of model parameters(with optional model name).
modval [<specNum>[<modName>]] Write to Tcl the last calculated model values for the specified spectrum and optional model name. Writes a string of blank separated numbers. Note that the output is in units of $photons/cm^2/s/bin$.
nchan [<n>] Total number of channels in spectrum n (including ignored channels).
noticed [<n>] Range (low,high) of noticed channels for spectrum n.
noticed energy [<n>] The noticed energies for spectrum n.
nullhyp When using chi-square for fits, this will retrieve the reported null hypothesis probability.
param [<mod>:]n (value, delta, min, low, high, max) for model parameter n.
peakrsid n [lo,hi] Energies and strengths of the peak residuals (+ve and -ve) for the spectrum n. Optional arguments lo, hi specify an energy range in which to search.
pfree [<mod>:]n T returned if parameter is free, F if not.
pinfo [<mod>:]n Parameter name and unit for parameter n of model with optional name.
plink [<mod>:]n Information on parameter linking for parameter n. This is in the form true/false (T or F) for linked/not linked, followed by the multiplicative factor and additive constants if linked.
plot <option><array>[<plot group n>] Write a string of blank separated values for the array. <option>is one of the valid arguments for the plot or iplot commands. <array>is one of x, xerr, y, yerr, or model. xerr and yerr output the 1-sigma error bars generated for plots with errors. The model array is for the convolved model in data and ldata plots. For contour plots this command just dumps the steppar results. The command does not work for genetic plot options.
plotgrp Number of plot groups.
query The setting of the query option.
rate <n|all> Count rate, uncertainty, model rate, and percentage of net flux (no background) compared to total flux for the specified spectrum n, or for the sum over all spectra.
rerror [<sourceNumber>:]n Writes last confidence region calculated for response parameter n of model with optional source number, and a string listing any errors that occurred during the calculation. See the help above on the error option for a description of the string.
response n Response filname(s) for the spectrum n.
sigma [<modelName>:]n The sigma uncertainty value for parameter n. If n is not a variable parameter or fit was unable to calculate sigma, -1.0 is returned.
simpars Creates a list of parameter values by drawing from a multivariate Normal distribution based on the covariance matrix from the last fit. This is the same mechanism that is used to get the errors on fluxes and luminosities, and to run the goodness command.
solab Solar abundance table values.
stat [test|<n>] Value of statistic. If optional test argument is given, this outputs the test statistic rather than the fit statistic. If a spectrum number n is given, the fit statistic contribution from that one spectrum is returned.
statmethod [test] The name of the fit stat method currently in use. If optional test argument is given, this will give the name of the test stat method.
steppar statistic | delstat |[<modName>:]<parNum> The statistic and delstat options return the statistic or delta-statistic column respectively from the most recent steppar run. Otherwise, the parameter column indicated by <parNum>is returned. Note that for multi-dimensional steppars the returned parameter column will contain duplicate values, in the same order as they originally appeared on the screen during the steppar run.
systematic [<modName>|unnamed] The current model systematic error values. If no argument is given, this returns the default systematic value applied to all models except those that have explicitly been assigned their own value. If a <modName>is given, this returns the systematic error value for that specific model. This will be the same as the default setting unless it has been explicitly assigned its own value. To get the specific setting for an unnamed model, enter unnamed.
varpar Number of variable fit parameters.
version The XSPEC version string.
weight Name of the current weighting function.
xflt n XFLT#### keywords for spectrum n. The first number written is the number of keywords and the rest are the keyword values.


XSPEC12>data file1
XSPEC12> model pha(po)
XSPEC12> fit
XSPEC12>tclout stat
XSPEC12>scan $xspec_tclout "%f" chistat
XSPEC12>tclout param 1
XSPEC12>scan $xspec_tclout "%f"par2
XSPEC12>tclout param 2
XSPEC12>scan $xspec_tclout "%f"par3
XSPEC12>tclout param 3

In this example, scan is a tcl command that does a formatted read of the variable $xspec_tclout. It reads the first floating point number into the variable given by the last argument on the line.This sequence creates a simple model, fits it, and then writes the $\chi^2$statistic and the three parameters to tcl variables $chistat, $par1, $par2, and $par3. These can now be manipulated in any way permitted by tcl. Examples of using tclout and tcloutr can be found in the Xspec/src/scripts directory.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:26 EDT