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XMM-Newton Guest Observer Facility


Simulate an EPIC Spectrum with Sherpa

To do this, we will need an RMF and ARF that correspond to the mode and filter that we are interested in. One easy way to get these is to download from the archive an observation that was taken in the mode and filter we want, extract a spectrum and its associated RMF and ARF, and then use those response files to make a simulation. Alternatively, we could download a canned response matrix with the needed epoch, mode, etc., and generate its corresponding ARF. (Note that the ARF is not time-dependent like the RMF is, so one from early in the mission should work well. However, ARFs are dependent on the filter, so be careful to select a dataset with the correct one.) Finally, we can also get the responses that are used for PIMMS and WebPIMMS simulations here.

Let's say we want to simulate a source in full frame mode, with the thin filter. In the XSA archive, we can search for a recent data set with those specifications by using the "Filters for Observation, Proposal, and Catalogue Searches" panel. Clicking on the name or the triangle will open it, and selecting "Instrument Configuration" will open a pop-up window from which we can choose the instrument, instrument mode, and filter we want. Clicking 'OK' will close the pop-up window, and selecting 'Search' will produce a large webpage listing all the observations that meet our criteria. We can then download an appropriate dataset and extract a spectrum and the associated RMF and ARF in the usual way.

In this example, we assume that a source spectrum is known to be a power law with photon index=1.9, a Galactic absorption column of NH=5e21 cm-2, and an X-ray flux (0.2-12 keV) = 2.5e-12 erg s-1 cm-2. Let's say that we want to see what exposure time we need in order to measure the hydrogen column density to 2%. We need to initialize CIAO and then call Sherpa. Please note that Sherpa is indentation-sensitive and will throw an error if it detects what it thinks is an indentation when it isn't expecting one.

All of the commands below can be copied-and-pasted into a Sherpa session, as text after the "#" sign is treated as a comment.

   set_xsxsect("vern")                      # use the atomic cross sections of Verner et al. 1996
   set_xsabund("wilm")                      # use the elemental abundances of Wilms et al. 2000
   set_source(1,xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p1) # define the model for the first (and only) source
   t1.nh = 0.5                              # set the model parameters
   p1.phoindex = 1.9
   p1.norm = 1
   fake_pha(1, "m1.arf", "m1.rmf", 2e5)     # make a 200 ks exposure in MOS1 using the named ARF and RMF
   calc_energy_flux(0.2,12)                 # find the flux in erg s-1 cm-2 from 0.2-12 keV; we 
                                            # get 4.263640400828176e-09
   calc_data_sum(0.2,12)                    # find the number of counts from 0.2-12 keV; we 
                                            # get 48836354.0

When we use a normalization = 1, we get an energy flux in this passband of 4.26e-9 erg s-1 cm-2. But we know that the flux for this source should be 2.5e-12 erg s-1 cm-2. This means that we need to scale our normalization accordingly:

( correct_flux / default_flux ) * default_norm = correct_norm

( 2.5e-12 erg s-1 cm-2 / 4.26e-9 erg s-1 cm-2) * 1. = 0.00058685

Note that this method also works with the number of counts in a spectrum. If we had wanted a spectrum with 104 counts, we would have calculated that our norm should be (104 counts / 48836354.0 counts) * 1. = 0.00020477. Now that we know what the normalization should be, we can continue with making our simulation:

   p1.norm = 0.00058685
   fake_pha(1, "m1.arf", "m1.rmf", 2e5)

Now we can fit the spectrum using the same model that we used when making it, though we should first set the initial values to something reasonable. We are not grouping the data, so we will use cstat. For the optimization, we'll use simplex (also known as "neldermead"), because it samples the parameter space more thoroughly than the default Levenberg-Marquardt, and is quicker than Monte Carlo ("moncar" in Sherpa parlance).

   ignore(":0.2,12:")                     # ignore data with E < 0.2 keV or E > 12 keV
   t1.nh = 0.1
   p1.PhoIndex = 1.0
   p1.norm = 1e-3
   covar()                                # get the uncertainties; this is a simple model, so 
                                          # "covar" is sufficient. For complex models, use "conf".

We can see that the fit produced spectrum parameters in excellent agreement with their true values, and the percent error on NH is 2%, so this is a reasonable exposure time for our purposes.

Now we will plot the fit. One thing to keep in mind is that by default, Sherpa does not generate error bars for data points when simulating a spectrum, nor does it read in error bars when loading one (though this can be changed). Instead, it calculates the error bars for each bin using the statistics that are applied during a session. Cstat, however, does not generate error bars -- only flavors of the χ2 statistic do. This means that if we want to compare a fit that was found with cstat to the data and have reasonably accurate error bars, we need to switch to χ2, group the data so it will be Gaussian (or almost Gaussian), and plot the fit on the grouped spectrum.

Also, note that grouping the data should be done after the energy band is defined by the "ignore" (or "notice") command, as used above. This is to avoid having an energy limit accidentally fall in the middle of a bin and that bin getting artificially shortened. This is not likely to have a noticeable effect if a source is bright, but it can if a source is faint.

   set_stat("chi2gehrels")                # let's use Gehrel's χ2 
   group_counts(20)                       # rebin to at least 20 counts per bin
   set_xlog()                             # set the plot axes to the log scale
   plot_fit()                             # plot the fit on the data; see Figure 1, top
   set_xlinear()                          # set the plot axes to the linear scale
   plot_fit_delchi()                      # plot the fit and (data - model)/errors; see Figure 1, bottom

Figure 1: The binned, simulated spectrum, the fit, and a comparison between the fit and the data. Top: the fit overplotted on the binned data. Bottom: the fit and the ratio of residuals to the error of the data to the fit.

We can also simulate a source with a background component. For convenience, we will use the same RMF and ARF as the source, though this isn't necessary. Let's say that it is a standard AGN-dominated background, with photon index = 1.4 and an X-ray flux of about 1e-14 erg s-1 cm-2 in the bandpass. We must first simulate it on its own, to determine its normalization, and we will assume that the interstellar absorption is dominated by material between the source and us (i.e., there is negligible additional absorption in the AGN background).

   clean()                                # erase all data and models in the session and reset the 
                                          # choice of statistics and optimization to their defaults
   set_source(xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p2)
   t1.nh = 0.5
   p2.phoindex = 1.4
   p2.norm = 1
   fake_pha(1, "m1.arf", "m1.rmf", 2e5)
   calc_energy_flux(0.2,12)               # flux = 8.786427962152142e-09 erg s-1 cm-2; scaling the 
                                          # normalization, we find p2.norm = 1.13812e-06

Now that we have the correct parameters for the background, we can continue generating the spectra.

   set_source(1, xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p1)             # set the model for the source
   set_source("faked_bkg", xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p2)   # set the model for the background
   t1.nh = 0.5
   p1.phoindex = 1.9
   p1.norm = 0.00058685
   p2.phoindex = 1.4
   p2.norm = 1.13812e-06
   fake_pha(1, "m1.arf", "m1.rmf", 2e5)              
   fake_pha("faked_bkg", "m1.arf", "m1.rmf", 2e5)    
   set_bkg(1, get_data("faked_bkg"))      # link the background to the source
   set_stat("chi2gehrels")                # we called "clean", so we already reset the statistic to 
                                          # Gehrel's χ2, but there is no harm in doing this again
   group_counts(20)                       # The background was linked to the source, so it will automatically be 
                                          # grouped to the same binning. 
   plot("data","bkg")                     # take a look at our source and background spectra (which 
                                          # have appropriate error bars); see Figure 2 (top)
   fig=plt.gcf()                          # set the x axis range for both plots to 0.2-12 keV; see Figure 2 (bottom)
   for i in [0,1]:

Figure 2: The simulated source and background spectra, binned for plotting purposes. Top. The simulated data with the default range on the X-axis. Bottom. The simulated data over our chosen energy range.

Now we'll fit the spectra and plot the result. The background has been linked to the source, but we still need to set the model for it so that Sherpa treats it correctly in the fits. We are not grouping the spectra, so we need to use statistics and optimization that are appropriate.

   ungroup()                              # undo the grouping
   t1.nh = 0.1
   p1.phoindex = 1.0
   p1.norm = 1e-3
   set_bkg_model(xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p2)  # set the background model 
   p2.phoindex = 1.0
   p2.norm = 1e-4
   calc_energy_flux(0.2,12.,bkg_id=1)     # find the energy flux of the background
   plot("fit","bkgfit")                   # plot the fit to the source and background
   for i in [0,1]:
      fig.axes[i].set_xlim(0.2,12)        # use our chosen energy range in both plots; see Figure 3

Figure 3: The fits to the simulated source and background spectra. The data were binned for plotting purposes.

We can also save our simulated spectra and come back later to fit them.

   save_pha(1, "mos1_sim_200ks.fits")
   save_pha("faked_bkg", "mos1_sim_bkg_200ks.fits")

Note that while Sherpa linked the background spectrum to the source spectrum during the session, it did not write the name of the background spectrum into the BACKFILE keyword of the source spectrum file's header, so we can do that now.

   dmhedit mos1_sim_200ks.fits filelist=none operation=add key=BACKFILE value=mos1_sim_bkg_200ks.fits datatype=indef

Now we just load and fit the spectra like any other dataset. The associated response files and background will be loaded automatically:

   set_source(xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p1)
   set_bkg_model(xstbabs.t1 * xspowerlaw.p2)
   t1.nh = 0.1
   p1.phoindex = 1.0
   p1.norm = 1e-3
   p2.phoindex = 1.0
   p2.norm = 1e-4
   for i in [0,1]:

One final note: it is easy to lose track of things while switching back and forth between types of statistics, optimizations, models, and datasets. The following commands are very useful for assessing where things stand.

   get_stat()      # Print the current statistic and a short description of it to the screen.
   get_method()    # Print the current optimization method to the screen.
   get_xsxsect()   # Print the current atomic cross section setting to the screen.
   get_xsabund()   # Print the current elemental abundance setting to the screen.
   show_model()    # Show all the models that have been defined. 
   show_data()     # Show all datasets, RMFs, and ARFs that have been defined.
   show_all()      # Combination of "show_data()" and "show_model()"

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Nov-2013 17:08:40 EST
Curator:Michael Arida (ADNET);

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