Summary of a FITS file
This window lists information about all the HDUs (Header Data Units)
in the opened FITS file. It includes:
- Index : Extension number (0 is Primary Image)
- Extension: Name of the extension.
- Type : Type of the extension.
- Binary -- Binary table extension.
- ASCII -- ASCII table extension.
- Image -- Primary array or Image extension.
- Dimension: Size of each extension.
- View :
- Header -- Display/Edit header.
- Hist -- Displays a histogram image of 1 or 2 columns in a table
- Image/Plot -- Display image or plot table column values.
The default image
display device (POW or ds9) may be selected under the
Edit->Preferences->Graphs menu item.
- Table -- Display a table. (If the extension is an image, then
numerical values of the image are displayed as a table).
All - displays all the columns in a table
Select - allows the user to select which columns to display.
By clicking each button, users are allowed to display and edit
the FITS file.
Several menu items operate on "selected" HDUs. One selects HDU's by
clicking on the checkbutton next to the HDUs' index.