Next: Notices of FTOOLS Releases
Up: Users' Guide to FTOOLS
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The current release of FTOOLS has the following tasks and Perl scripts
implemented within the thirteen sub-packages. Additional help for each
task can be found through the IRAF help facility or with the Host
task once the FTOOLS package has been loaded.
ASCA specific FITS tasks:
- add_sis_rmf - [P] Reports percentage of counts in evtfile in each chip
- addascaspec - [P] Combine ASCA spectral files
- ascaarf - Generates an ASCA ARF file for an input PHA file
- ascaeffmap - Generates an ASCA EFF detector image file for an input PHA file
- ascaexpo - Generate an exposure map for an ASCA observation.
- ascalin - Produce the ASCA calibrated science file data products
- ascascreen - [P] Cleans raw ASCA science files
- ascaray - ASCA mirror ray tracing program
- ascatape - Read FITS files off NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied ASCA
data distribution tapes.
- aspect - Computes the euler angles of the best aspect point
- attitude - Compute summary information for an ASCA attitude file
- cleansis - Detect anomalous ASCA SIS pixel values and output the cleaned
events file with a 'hot pixel' extension appended
- correctrdd - Apply RDD correction to ASCA SIS FAINT, BRIGHT or BRIGHT2 data
- dfe2mkf - Insert output information of FAINTDFE into existing MKF file
- faint - Convert ASCA faint mode data to a bright mode format
- faintdfe - Calculate the dark frame error for SIS FAINT mode data
- fasttime - Corrects SIS FAST mode data times
- fastwmap - Add a WMAP to a FAST mode spectral file.
- ghkcurve - Extract light curve from ASCA GIS housekeeping file.
- ghkdump - Display GIS housekeeping parameters of the GIS HK file
- gisrti - Compute Rise Time Invariant value in GIS PH mode science file
- gqaplot - ASCA GIS quick analysis ftool
- ldeadtime - Carry out deadtime correction for FITS light curves.
- mkdtime - Calculates the deadtime fractions for the GIS
- modalid - Print the space craft modal configuration
- sisclean - Plot frequency histogram of an SIS image file and apply an
intensity threshold cut
- sisgbr - [P] QDP fit branching ratios derived from FITS data
- sishist - Frequency histogram of an image created from an SIS event file
- sispi - Fills PI column of ASCA SIS event files.
- sisrmg - Generate SIS instrument response matrix
- sqaplot - ASCA SIS quick analysis ftool
- timeconv - Convert from satellite to barycentric (use with caution on SUN)
Calibration Database Tasks:
- addarf - Adds two or more Ancillary Response Files (ARFs)
- addrmf - Adds together two or more RMFs
- brcaldb - Browse the Caldb data holdings
- calcrpsf - Calculates a radial point spread function
- caldbflag - switches flag status of calibration files in a CIF
- caldbinfo - Checks whether a local CALDB is correctly installed
- chkcif - Check entries in a Calibration Index File
- cmppha - Converts a TYPE II to a TYPE I OGIP pha file
- col2img - Converts a collimator response dataset to an image
- crcif - Creates an empty Calibration Index File
- dmprmf - Displays OGIP standard Response FITS file
- gcorpha - remaps PHA channels from SPECTRUM extension.
- gcorrmf - Remaps a detector redistribution matrix in channel-space
- genrsp - Generic spectral response generator
- lstgood - List "good" files found in a Calibration Index File
- marfrmf - Multiplies an ancillary response file by a redist matrix
- mkcaldb - Create a Calibration Database
- mkcaldir - Create the Caldb directory structure
- mkcalinit - Create a caldbinit file
- mudcif - Many UpDates to a Calibration Index File (CIF)
- quzcif - Interrogates Caldb for location of a dataset
- rbnrmf - Physically compresses a RMF file
- rbnrpsf - Rebins a radial point spread function
- rpsf2eef - Converts a radial PSF (RPSF) dataset to a radial
encircled energy function (REEF) dataset.
- rpsfqdp - Converts OGIP format radial profile file to ASCII QDP
- rsp2rmf - Converts SF format response matrices to OGIP FITS format
- st2rpsf - Reads STWFITS file and writes an OGIP RPSF file
- stcal - Stores one or more calibration files in the Caldb
- stw2pha - Converts stw PHA file to OGIP FITS format
- udcif - Adds a calibration file to a CIF
Einstein specific FITS tasks:
- sssarf - creates an Ancilliary Response File (ARF) for Einstein SSS PHA data
- sssbck - builds the EINSTEIN SSS background PHA files for a given source obsn
Example Tasks:
- cdummyftool - "Hello World" C ftool example/template
- fdummyftool - "Hello World" Fortran ftool example/template
FITS Image Tasks:
- f2dhisto - Make a 2-D histogram from 2 columns in a table
- fadapt - Convolve a FITS image with an adaptive top hat filter
- farith - Perform arithmetic on 2 FITS images
- fboxcar - Convolve a FITS image with a rectangular boxcar filter
- fcarith - Perform arithmetic on FITS image with a constant
- fgauss - Convolve a FITS image with an elliptical Gaussian function
- fim2lst - Convert a 2D image to a pixel list (inverse of f2dhisto)
- fimconcat - Take 2 images and place them side by side as single image
- fimgbin - Rebin a FITS image using a rectangular bin size
- fimgdmp - Dump contents of a FITS image to an ASCII file
- fimgmerge - Merge any number of images onto a given image
- fimgstat - Compute statistics (max, min, etc.) for an image file
- fimgtrim - Reset image pixels with values above/below threshold values
- florentz - Convolve a FITS image with an elliptical Lorentzian function
- fmaskfilt - Filter an event list based on an input mask image
- fmrgmsk - Merge 2 or more spatial masks
- fregcon - SAOimage region file converter from one instrument/detector
to another
- fsaoi - Translate an SAOImage region file to an input file for fselect
- fvec2img - Create an image from a column of vectors
Futils (General Purpose Utilities) Tasks:
- faddcol - Copies columns from one FITS table extension to another
- fappend - Append a FITS extension onto another FITS file
- fapropos - [P] Does keyword searches for FTOOLS
- fcalc - Calculates values for a column using an arithmetic expression
- fcatdiff - Compares columns of a fits file and reports row differences
- fchecksum - Verify or update the checksum keywords in a FITS file
- fcolpar - Returns column number for an input filename and column name
- fcreate - Create a FITS table from ASCII input files
- fcurve - Make a light curve histogram from a column in a table
- fdelcol - Delete a specified column in a FITS table
- fdelhdu - Delete an extension from a FITS file
- fdelrow - Delete specified rows in a FITS table
- fdump - Dump contents of a FITS table to an ASCII file
- fextract - Copy a FITS extension from a file into a new file
- ffilecat - Copies keyword values from a list of FITS file to FITS Table
- fhelp - [P (optional)] Display FTOOLS help information
- fhisto - Make a histogram of a column in a table
- fimgcreate - Create a FITS primary array image from an ASCII template file
- findex - Create an index file for a FITS table column
- finterp - Interpolate a column from one FITS table extension into another
- fkeypar - Copy a FITS header keyword to a parameter
- fkeyprint - Display keyword(s) in FITS header(s)
- fkeytab - Copy a FITS header keyword to a FITS table element
- flaunch - Graphical FTOOLS launcher
- flcol - List column information in a FITS table extension
- flist - List contents of a FITS table to an ASCII file
- flookup - Filter a FITS file from selection based on a lookup table
- fmemsort - Fast memory sort of a FITS table
- fmerge - Merge rows from several FITS tables into one FITS table
- fmodcomm - Modify commentary keywords in a FITS file header
- fmodhead - Modify the header keywords in a FITS file
- fparhelp - [P] Provides help for a specified parameter for a given ftool
- fparkey - Copy a parameter value to a FITS header keyword
- fparstamp - [P] Copy contents of a .par file into a FITS file header
- fpartab - Copy a parameter value to a FITS table element
- fplot - Plots columns from a FITS file using QDP/PLT Plot Package
- fscript - [P] General script-writing tool
- fselect - Create a new table from selected rows of a table
- fsort - Sort a FITS table in place
- fstatistic - Calculate mean, standard deviation, min, and max for a column
- fstruct - List a description of the structure of a FITS file
- ftabcopy - Copy specified columns of a FITS table to a new table
- ftabkey - Copy a FITS table element to a FITS header keyword
- ftabpar - Copy a FITS table element to a parameter value
- fv - An interactive GUI FITS file browser and display tool
- fverify - Verify that a FITS file conforms to the FITS Standard
- fversion - [P] Report FTOOLS version number and release date
- pconfig - [P] Configure parameter files to user defaults
Gamma Ray Observatory Specific Tasks:
- econvpha - Converts EGRET .spec files to XSPEC .pha files
- econvrmf - Converts EGRET .resp files to XSPEC .rmf files.
- fbbft2pha - Converts BATSE BFITS file to spectral PHA file
- fbdrm2rmf - Converts BATSE DRM file to RMF format
- fesdb2rdf - Reads i/p QVP and EXP (optional) data files and writes an
o/p FITS data file in OGIP standard format
- fevpbtoa - Converts Fits formatted Comptel EVP data to an ASCII file
High Energy Astrophysics Specific Tasks:
- addspec - adds PHA spectra, bkgd files & combines response matices
- ascii2pha - Creates an OGIP FITS PHA file from an ascii dataset
- bincurve - Bins vectors and outputs as a light curve
- binspec - Bin spectra in vector columns
- chkarf - Check validity of keywords in an ARF FITS file
- chkpha - Check validity of keywords in a PHA/PI FITS file
- chkrmf - Check validity of keywords in a RMF FITS file
- ecd2pha - Converts Einstein HEASARC CD-ROM PHA to OGIP PHA file
- extrpsf - Extracts radial PSF (RPSF) dataset from an event file.
- fadmap - Produce maps for SAS2 or COSB data
- fixregion - Convert SAO region file to another coordinate system
- grppha - Manipulates OGIP standard PHA FITS file
- hkexpand - Expand a compressed format housekeeping (HK) data file
- hkscale - Scales a FITS housekeeping data file into physical values
- hkunexpand - Compress an expanded format houskeeping (HK) data file
- mathpha - Performs mathematical operations on PHA files
- mekal - Generate XSPEC table file for MEKAL plasma emission model
- nh - Return hydrogen column density for a given Ra and Dec.
- raysmith - Generate XSPEC table file for Raymond-Smith plasma emission model
- rbnpha - Compresses a PHA dataset
- sf2pha - Converts SF format PHA file to OGIP FITS format
- sky2xy - Transform from sky to pixel coordinates using WCS keywords
- xy2sky - Transform from pixel to sky coordinates using WCS keywords
ROSAT Mission Specific Tasks:
- abc - Apply Barycentric Corrections to ROSAT event data.
- ao - Evaluates the geometrical variation of the scattered solar X-ray background
- bct - Produce a Barycenter Correction Table from ROSAT orbit data
- calcbgdcor - Calculates the correction for background calculation of source spectrum
- castpart - Cast model particle background counts in sky coordinates
- detect - detects sources from an image file
- extpha - [P] Extracts source spectrum files from PSPC _src files
- fixrev0pha - Changes the CDELT1 and CDELT2 keywords in a ROSAT PHA file
- gevt2rdf - Converts a German _events dataset to RDF _bas format
- hiback - [P] Creates _qsrc file from _src file
- hriaspcor - Use Morse's method to correct aspect errors
- hriexpmap - Creates exposure map for given ROSAT HRI observational dataset
- hrifilt - Creates a ROSAT HRI makefilter file
- hrirpsf - Calculates theoretical HRI PSF
- img2us - Converts from German Image file format to US RFITS format
- lte - Evaluates the polynomial fit made by RATEFIT routine
- mkqsrc - Adds extra fields for quality screening to ROSAT source file
- mk_allevt - [P] Combines standard & rejected events tables of an RDF file
- pcarf - Generates a ROSAT PSPC ARF for an input PHA file
- pcbgdcor - [P] performs background calc. for ROSAT (runs pcparpha,pcarf,fixregion,calcbgdcor)
- pcecor - Energy dependent temporal correction to PI channel in events file
- pcexpmap - Creates exposure map for ROSAT PSPC observation
- pcfilt - Creates a ROSAT PSPC makefilter file
- pcparpha - Generates a background PHA spectrum for ROSAT PSPC
- pcpicor - [P] Corrects PI channel in PSPC events file
- pcrpsf - Calculates a theoretical radial PSF for the ROSAT PSPC
- pcsasscor - Corrects PI channel for SASS spatial gain error in events file
- pctcor - Applies temporal correction to PI data in PSPC events file
- rate - Creates light curves binned on 30-s intervals for the seven bands
- ratefit - Fits PSPC light curves in seven broad pulse-height bands
- rosbary - [P] Perform barycentric correction for ROSAT. (Runs abc & bct)
- roscc2utc - converts spacecraft time to utc with MJD, yy:mm:dd:hr:min:sec
- src2pha - Creates a PHA file from specified extensions in an RDF src file
- srcdetect - [P] Source detection which runs xselect and then detect
- tilt - Evaluates the nominal scattered solar X-ray background
Time Related Tasks:
- burst - Remove bursts of events from time ordered event list
- cktime - Checks that a time column is time ordered
- deadtime - Update the exposure of PHA file by deadtime based on GTIs
- fltime - Filter an event list within given time intervals (GTIs)
- maketime - Calculate time intervals (GTIs) from housekeeping (HK) data
- mgtime - Merge 2 or more time interval (GTI) files
- sec2time - Convert time offset to absolute time
- time2sec - Convert absolute time to a time offset
VELA5B Mission Specific Tasks:
- fvelalc - Creates a FITS light curve for an isolated Vela 5B source
- fvelgallc - Creates multiple light curves for sources in confused fields
- fvelmap - Creates a set of FITS source maps of a rectangular region
- velabox - Lists the Vela 5B raw data files needed for FVELALC
- velamap - Lists the Vela 5B raw data files needed for FVELMAP
Xronos (Time Series Analysis Package) Tasks:
- ascii2flc - [P] creates a xronos input FITS file from an ASCII file
- autocor - calculates auto correlation for a time series
- crosscor - calculates cross correlation of two time series
- earth2sun - change times to solar system barycenter
- efold - creates epoch folded lightcurve, hardness and color-color plots
- efsearch - finds best chi-squared period by folding over range of periods
- flc2ascii - [P] Dump xronos input or output in ASCII file readable by QDP
- lcmath - Subtracts or adds two binned lightcurves.
- lcstats - calculates statistical variables a time series
- lcurve - creates lightcurves, hardness and color-color plots
- listdata - list data file on the screen
- powspec - creates power spectrum density
- rbf2fits - Converts the "EXOSAT rate buffer" format in FITS.
- timeskew - calculates time skewness function for a time series
- xronwin - [P] creates a window file suitable for xronos tasks
XTE Mission Specific Tasks:
- addshots - Adds a shot noise light curve to an input light curve.
- addsine - Adds a sine curve to an input light curve.
- asmappend - Sorts and appends ASM files to a MASTERFILE.
- asmchannel - [P] separates an ASM color file into separate light curve files
for each ASM energy channel.
- asmsrcupdate - [P] Runs ASMAPPEND on a collection of XTE ASM master files
and their respective incoming files.
- bemerge - Merge two binned event spectral (.pha) files: type I or II.
- chantrans - [P] Translate relative channel range to an absolute channel
range by reading XTE produced .pha files.
- edsgcor - Converts the PCA/EDS Gain & Offset file from ASCII to FITS.
- fakelc - Creates a fake light curve having a constant mean intensity.
- fasebin - The XTE phase binner (produces "fB" files).
- fbadd - Add several commensurate fB files together.
- fbfsum - Allows averaging of fB files in phase by summing rows.
- fbssum - Averages fB files in energy and performs phase analysis.
- fbsub - Subtract a baseline from a fB histogram.
- fcollect - First half of XTEFILT; collects housekeeping, attitude and
orbit data from XFF database.
- fxbary - Apply barycentric correction light-curve (.lc) FITS file.
- grosstimefilt - [P] Filter out all times that fall outside of a specified range
and modify appropriate keywords in a XTE SA or SE file.
- hxtarf - Create a .arf file for a given HEXTE observation.
- hxtback - [P] reads a HEXTE science or housekeeping FITS file and creates
new FITS files based on cluster position.
- hxtdeadlc - Computes and tabulates deadtime corrections for .lc file
- hxtdeadpha - Computes and tabulates deadtime corrections for .pha file
- make_se - [P] Create XTE/SE (Event) data files from a list of
input files which may contain Good_Xenon and/or
Transparent Mode data files.
- mkgtif - Creates GTI extension file for HEXTE data.
- pca_bs - [P] Perform rough PCA lightcurve background subtraction.
- pcabackest - Creates and estimated PCA background spectrum from model.
- pcaclrsp - Creates a collimator corrected light curve from PCA .lc file.
- pcagainset - Insert PCA/EDS gain and offset values into a PCA .pha file.
- pcarmf - Creates a .rmf file for a specified anode chain in a PCU.
- pcarsp - [P] Runs the tools necessary to construct response matrices
for XTE PCA spectral data.
- perdgrm - Computes a periodgram for unevenly sampled light curves.
- rddescr - Parses a channel descriptor from an XTE .pha file to ASCII.
- recofmi - Reconstructs a FMI (master index) file for an XTE database.
- runpcabackest - [P] Runs PCABACKEST on a series of StdMode2 data files.
- saexpd - Reads science array vectors and outputs generic FITS files.
- saextrct - Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from science array vectors.
- sebitmask - Creates bitmask for filtering SE data with FSELECT.
- seexpd - Reads science events data and outputs generic FITS files.
- seextrct - Creates lightcurve and/or spectrum from science events data.
- sachip - [P] Runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT once from command line.
- saplot - [P] Cyclically queries the user for additional SA files and
then runs SAEXTRCT and FPLOT, for SOF.
- sefilter - [P] Helps the user generate an expression that is fed into
SEBITMASK and examines the result to determine if the file
can be directly input into SEEXTRCT for filtering, or if it
first needs to be input to FSELECT.
- seplot - [P] Cyclically queries the user for additional SE files and
then runs SEEXTRCT and FPLOT, for SOF.
- seselect - [P] Runs SEBITMASK and FSELECT to generate a FITS file.
- timetrans - [P] Translate relative time range to an absolute time range
by reading XTE produced .lc files.
- trans2fits - Creates science event FITS file from Transparent Mode data.
- xenon2fits - Creates science event FITS file from Good Xenon data.
- xpcaarf - Creates a .arf file for an input XTE PCA .pha and .rmf file.
- xtecol - Apply the HEXTE collimator correction to a light curve.
- xtederive - Second half of XTEFILT; uses output file from fcollect to
derive additional useful quantities for XTEFilter file.
- xtefilt - [P] Creates a .xfl filter file for a given observation.
- xtetape - Read NASA/GSFC/ADF supplied XTE data distribution tapes.
- xteversion - [P] Print the version and date of the XTE subpackage.
Parameter File Manipulation Tasks:
- pconfig - [P] Configure parameter files to user defaults
- pget - Get the value of one or more parameters in a parameter file
- plist - List parameters from one or more IRAF-style parameter files
- pquery - Get the value of a parameter in an IRAF-style parameter file
- pset - Set one or more parameters in an IRAF-style parameter file
- punlearn - Get a copy of the system parameter file
FTOOLS Graphical User Interfaces:
- fv - Interactive FITS file viewer
- flaunch - FTOOLS launcher
- xselect2 - Graphical successor the xselect; currently only
supports XTE analysis but other missions are being added.
- xdf - XTE Data Finder
[P] == Perl script. You must have Perl installed to
use this tool
Next: Notices of FTOOLS Releases
Up: Users' Guide to FTOOLS
Previous: Appendix
Lawrence Elwin Brown
Wed Aug 6 11:33:26 EDT 1997
If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this
site ( and use the
ASCL reference for HEASoft
[ascl:1408.004] or the
ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper
Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne,
and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.