fv: New Features

The latest version of fv is version 2.6.1 released on February 11, 2000. Here is a list of features added since version 2.5 released on April 30, 1999:


  • Fixed plotting bug in fv 2.6
  • Ported to Mac OS
  • The Open File browser now lists file sizes and dates
  • The management of windows has been improved to reduce 'windows clutter'
  • The appearance of various windows and the physical layout of user buttons and menu items is more ergonomic
  • New scripting capabilities have been added via the X Public Access (XPA) mechanism (developed by the SAO/HEAD R&D group) to allow external processes to access and control the behavior of fv, and especially, POW. These new capabilities are in addition to the previously available Tcl scripting capabilities inherent in fv and POW.
  • Replaced Options menu with a unified Preferences window available from any Edit menu.
  • Added preference to "Auto-Plot Primary Image" when opening a file.
  • Added preference to turn off the Desktop Manager


  • Images with 'CD' style WCS keywords are now supported
  • The size and location of the scope window and the cursor readouts in POW are now user configurable
  • A histogram-equalization image display option has been added
  • Publication-quality annotation labels can be added to the graphs
  • Graph selection buttons have been eliminated and true graph titles added
  • Full font control over all labels has been added

Go to release notes for version 2.5.

Pages maintained by Bryan Irby
Send bug reports or feature requests via the FTOOLS help desk.

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Last modified: Thursday, 09-Nov-2000 15:40:52 EST