siscleanRemove hot pixels from ASCA SIS data
Runs one of two methods to clean the image of hot and flickering pixels. Specify the method with the clean_method parameter. Method 1) This removes pixels by a straight cutoff, all pixels with more than n photons per pixel will be eliminated. First, an image is accumulated. Then, to aid the eye, a Gendreau plot is displayed. If saoimage is yes, then the uncleaned image is displayed as well. Then a filtered events list is produced. This will be used in further processing, and can be saved by the save clean command. Method 2) This method uses a Poissonian distribution to reject hot and flickering pixels. For more details, see the help file for cleansis (e.g. give the command fhelp cleansis). First a filtered event list is produced, then this is fed to cleansis, a final event list is produced, which has had all the hot pixels removed. Also a list of the hot pixels is written out. The cleaned file and the hot pixel list can be saved with the save clean command. The uncleaned events file can be saved with the save event command.
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