Appendix C: Adding Models to XSPEC

XSPEC includes a large collection of standard models that can be fit to data. However, sometimes these are not enough and a new model might be required. In order of increasing complexity the ways to do this are:

  • use the mdefine command;
  • create a table model;
  • load a model function created by someone else;
  • create and load your own model function.
The mdefine command can be used for a model which can be described using a simple formula and is documented under the commands section of the manual so we do not discuss it further. This appendix describes the other three methods, then finishes with a note about the more complex issue of mixing models.

Table models

A very simple way of fitting with user-defined models is available for a particular class of models. These are models that can be defined by a grid of spectra, with the elements of the grid covering the range of values of the parameters of the model. For instance, for a one-parameter model, a set of model spectra can be tabulated for different values of the parameter (P1, P2, P3, etc.) The correct model spectrum for a value P is calculated by interpolation on the grid. The generalization to more parameters works in the obvious way. The table is specified in the model command by the special strings atable, mtable, or etable with the filename following in brackets – see the entries in the models section of the manual. Any number of table model components can be used simultaneously.

Table model components can be much slower than most standard models if there are significant numbers of parameters. The memory requirements increase as $2^n$ where n is the number of parameters in the model. A table model with more than 3 or 4 fitting parameters is not recommended. Additionally, the interpolation is linear, which implies that the second derivatives used by the default Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm may not be accurate. If the fit does not work well it may be worth trying the migrad (minuit library) algorithm which makes no assumptions about the second derivative.

As with standard models, the spectra should be in terms of flux-per-bin and not flux-per-keV. Any set of energy bins can be used, and XSPEC will interpolate the model spectra onto the appropriate energy bins for the detectors in use. It is therefore a good idea to choose energy bins such that the spectrum is well-sampled over the range of interest.

It is possible to have multiple model spectra at each parameter grid point. This is useful if there are differences between data spectra that require separate model spectra. An example of this is for spectropolarimetry where there are spectra for each Stokes parameter so the table model may want to generate separate model spectra for each Stokes parameter.

The file structure for table models is a FITS format described in OGIP memo 92-009, found at :

The HEASP C++ library and Python module available in HEAsoft can be used to make table model files. The documentation at:
includes examples for both C++ and Python.

Loading a new model function

New model functions may be downloaded from the XSPEC additional models webpage at:
or acquired privately. They are added using two commands:

  • initpackage, which prepares and compiles a library module containing them
  • lmod, which actually loads them into the program.
These commands are detailed in the XSPEC commands section of the manual, to which the user is referred. Any number of different model packages may be added to XSPEC from the prompt. The user has control over the directory from which models are loaded.

The lmod command requires write-access to the particular directory specified. This is because lmod uses the Tcl make package and package require mechanisms for automatic library loads and these require Tcl write an index file (pkgIndex.tcl) to the directory. Consequently we recommend using the Tcl load command instead of lmod if the library is being used by a number of users on a local network. Such a library can be loaded automatically by placing the command in the global_customize.tcl script (see the section “Customizing XSPEC” in the Overview (Chapter 3)).

Writing a new model function

A model function is a subroutine that calculates the model spectrum given an input array of energy bins and an array of parameter values. The input array of energy bins gives the boundaries of the energy bins and hence has one more entry than the output flux arrays. The energy bins are assumed to be contiguous and ascending, and will be determined by the response matrix in use. The subroutine should thus make no assumptions about the energy range and bin sizes. The output flux array for an additive model should be in terms of photons/cm$^2$/s (not photons/cm$^2$/s/keV) i.e. it is the model spectrum integrated over the energy bin. The output array for a multiplicative model is the multiplicative factor for that bin. Convolution models are operators on the output from additive or multiplicative models. Model subroutines can be written in Fortran, either in single or double precision, in C++ using either C++-style arguments or C-style arguments, and in C.

The model.dat entry

In addition to the subroutine, XSPEC requires a text file describing the model and its parameters. The standard models are specified in the model.dat file so we usually refer to this text file by that name. A sample model.dat entry has the following form:

modelentry        4  0.    1.e20      funcName    add  0 0
lowT    keV     0.1   0.0808  0.0808 79.9      79.9       0.001
highT   keV     4.    0.0808  0.0808 79.9      79.9       0.001
Abundanc " "    1.    0.      0.      5.        5.        0.01
*redshift " "   0.0

The first line for each model gives the model name, the number of parameters, the low and high energies for which the model is valid, the name of the subroutine to be called and the type of model (add, mul, mix, or con, or acn). The final two arguments are flags: the first should be set to 1 if model variances are calculated by funcName and the second should be set to 1 if the model should be forced to perform a calculation for each spectrum. This final flag is necessary because if multiple spectra have the same energy bins, the default behavior is to perform the model calculation for just one spectrum and copy the results for each of the others. However, if a model depends on information about the spectrum in addition to its energy ranges, it must be forced to perform a calculation for each spectrum.

The fifth entry in the first line, which includes the name of the subroutine to be called, must be identified in the model.dat file according to the language in which it is written. Table C.1 below shows the required format of the function names in model.dat.

The remaining lines in the text file specify each parameter in the model. For regular model parameters the first two fields are the parameter name followed by an optional units label. If there is no units label, then there must be a quoted blank (“ ”) placeholder. The remaining 6 numerical entries are the default parameter value, hard min, soft min, soft max, hard max, and fit delta, which are described in the newpar command section.

There are three special types of parameter which can be used. If the name of the parameter is prefixed with a “*” the parameter is a “scale” parameter and cannot be made variable or linked to any kind of parameter other than another scale parameter. Since the parameter value can never vary only the initial value need be given. If the name of the parameter is prefixed with a “$” the parameter is a “switch” parameter which is not used directly as part of the calculation, but switches the model component function's mode of operation (i.e. calculate or interpolate). Switch parameters only have 2 fields: the parameter name and an integer value.

Finally, if a P is added at the end of the line for a parameter then the parameter is defined to be periodic. During a fit, a periodic parameter will not be pegged if it tries to exceed its hard limits. Instead it will be assigned a value within its limits: f(max + delta) = f(min + delta), f(min-delta) = f(max-delta). The soft min and max settings are irrelevant for period parameters and will be ignored.

Another way to visualize the required fields in the model.dat file:

modelentry        4  0.    1.e20     C_funcName   add  0  0
  |               |  |      |        |   |          |   |  |
 <model name>     |  |      |        |   |          |   |  |
                  |  |      |        |   |          |   |  |
        <num params> |      |        |   |          |   |  |
                     |      |        |   |          |   |  |
     <valid low energy>     |        |   |          |   |  |
                            |        |   |          |   |  |
           <valid high energy>       |   |          |   |  |
                                     |   |          |   |  |
                  <function identifier>  |          |   |  |
                      [C_|c_|F_|U_|` ']  |          |   |  |
                                         |          |   |  |
                            <function name>         |   |  |
                                                    |   |  |
                                                <type>  |  |
                             [add|mul|con|mix|acn|amx]  |  |
                                                        |  |
                                                    <flag> |
lowT    keV     0.1   0.0808  0.0808 79.9      79.9       0.001
  |       |       |     |       |      |         |          |
 <param>  |       |     |       |      |         |          |
          |       |     |       |      |         |          |
      <unit>      |     |       |      |         |          |
                  |     |       |      |         |          |
           <default>    |       |      |         |          |
                        |       |      |         |          |
                <hard min>      |      |         |          |
                                |      |         |          |
                        <soft min>     |         |          |
                                       |         |          |
                               <soft max>        |          |
                                         <hard max>         |
                                                   <fit delta>

The model subroutine function

When writing the code for the new model, Xspec expects specific arguments. Table C.1 below lists the function arguments required for the different language options.

Table C.1: Format of Function Arguments in Different Languages
Call Type and Specification

Function Name Format in model.dat
Arguments and Type Meaning

Single precision Fortran


real*4 ear(0:ne) Energy array
integer ne Size of flux array
real*4 param(*) Parameter values (Dimension must be specified inside the function)
integer ifl The spectrum number of model component being calculated
real*4 photar(ne) Output flux array
real*4 photer(ne) Output flux error array (optional)

Double precision Fortran


real*8 ear(0:ne) Energy array
integer ne Size of flux array
real*8 param(*) Parameter values (Dimension must be specified inside the function)
integer ifl The spectrum number of model component being calculated
real*8 photar(ne) Output flux array
real*8 photer(ne) Output flux error array (optional)

C and C++ in C style


const Real* energy Energy array (size Nflux+1)
int Nflux Size of flux array
const Real* parameter Parameter values
int spectrum The spectrum number of model component being calculated
Real* flux Output flux array
Real* fluxError Output flux error array (optional)
const char* init Initialization string (see below)

C++ in C++ style


const RealArray& energy Energy array
const RealArray& parameter Parameter values
int spectrum The spectrum number of model component being calculated
RealArray& flux Output flux array
RealArray& fluxError Output flux error array (optional)
const string& init Initialization string (see below)


The second entry in the first column is the way the function name should be included in the model.dat entry. Note that the prefix is only to be included in model.dat - the actual function name in the source code is the base funcName.

For example, a model component in double precision Fortran is specified by:

modelentry        5  0.    1.e20     F_funcName    add  0 0
XSPEC sees the F_ and picks out the right function definition, calling the Fortran function funcName, which expects double precision arguments. The C-style call can clearly be compiled and implemented by either a C or a C++ compiler. We recommend using the C++ call if the model is written in C++ as it will reduce overhead in copying C arrays in and out the XSPEC internal data structures. To prevent unresolved symbol linkage errors, we also recommend prefacing C++ local model function definitions with the extern “C” directive.

Example C/C++ function definitions:

/* C style */
extern “C” 
void funcName(const Real* energy, int Nflux, const Real* parameter,
               int spectrum, Real* flux, Real* fluxVariance,
               const char* init)
/* Model code:  Do not allocate memory for flux and fluxVariance arrays.
XSPEC's C-function wrapper will allocate arrays prior to calling the 
function (and will free them afterwards). */
// C++ style
extern “C”
void funcName(const RealArray& energy, const RealArray& parameter, 
               int spectrum, RealArray& flux, RealArray& fluxVariance,
               const string& init)
// Model code:  Should resize flux RealArray to energy.size()-1.
// Do the same for fluxVariance array if calculating errors, otherwise
// leave it at size 0.  

Note on type definitions for (C and C++): XSPEC provides a typedef for Real, in the xsTypes.h header file. The distributed code has

typedef double Real;
i.e. all calculations are performed in double precision. This is used for C models and C++ models with C-style arguments.

The type RealArray is a dynamic (resizeable) array of type Real. XSPEC uses the std::valarray template class to implement RealArray. The internal details of XSPEC require that the RealArray typedef supports vectorized assignments and mathematical operations, and indirect addressing (see C++ documentation for details). However, we do not recommend using specific features of the std::valarray class, such as array slicing, in case the typedef is changed in future.

The input energies are set by the response matrices of the detectors in use. The parameter ifl / spectrum (for Fortran / C or C++) is an integer which specifies to which response (and therefore which spectrum) these energies correspond. It exists to allow multi-dimensional models where the function might also depend on e.g. pulse-phase in a variable source. The output flux array should not be assumed to have any particular values on input. It is assumed to contain previously calculated values only by convolution/pileup models, which have the nature of operators. The output flux error array allows the function to return model variances.

The C and C++ call types allow one extra argument, which is a character string that can be appended to the top line of the model component description. This string is read on initialization and available to the model during execution. An example of its use might be the name of a file with specific data used in the model calculation: this allows different models to be implemented the same way except for different input data by specifying different names and input strings.

Function utility routines

There are a number of internal XSPEC routines which may be useful for local models written in either C++ or Fortran. These are defined in FunctionUtility.h and xsFortran.cxx, respectively, in the directory Xspec/src/XSFunctions/Utilities. Documentation is available at:

These functions allow the model to find out the Solar abundances in use, get any information defined using the xset command, find the cosmological parameters currently set, get the contents of the XFLT#### keywords in the spectrum files, and load information into an internal database which can be accessed using tclout.

There are also C++ classes and associated methods for equilibrium and non-equilibrium collisional plasmas, photo-electric opacity from neutral and ionized materials, and Compton scattering. Descriptions of these can be found in XSFunctions_guide.pdf in Xspec/src/help.

Multi-dimensional models

Typically, an XSPEC model depends only on the energy (and the model parameters) but more complicated models are sometimes required. The model might depend on energy and, for a variable source, the time at which the spectrum was obtained or, for an extended source, its spatial position. The extra information about the spectrum must be stored in the XFLT#### keywords in the spectrum files. For instance, if the model has a dependence on time then for one spectrum XFLT0001 could be set to “start: 1345.54” and XFLT0002 to “end: 1356.43” and another have XFLT0001 set to “start: 1356.43” and XFLT0002 to “end: 1368.21”. An example C++ routine might then include the code

#include <XSFunctions/Utilities/FunctionUtility.h>
extern “C”
void mymodel(const RealArray& energyArray, const RealArray& params,
             int spectrum, RealArray& flux, RealArray& fluxVariance,
             const string& initString)
    Real tstart = FunctionUtility::getXFLT(spectrum,“start”);
    Real tend = FunctionUtility::getXFLT(spectrum,“end”);

Third-Party Libraries In Local Models Build

The Makefile that initpackage creates for building your local models library is based on the template file

If you need to add a path to a third-party library's header files, add:
to the HD_CXXFLAGS setting. Then type hmake and hmake install from the

To make sure the linker pulls in the library on Mac OS X further edit the xspackage.tmpl file by adding a “-l” flag for the library (e.g. -lgsl) in the HD_SHLIB_LIBS settings. Then reinstall xspackage.tmpl as mentioned above. On Linux/Unix the XSPEC executable itself should be relinked with the new library included. So, edit the file

by adding a “-l” flag for the library to the HD_CXXLIBS setting. Then from the same directory do:
rm xspec
hmake local
hmake publish
hmake install
After these modifications, you should be able to use initpackage and lmod in the normal way to build and load your local models library.

Writing new mixing models

Mixing models are fundamentally different from the other kinds of models since they apply a transformation to a set of modeled fluxes (as enumerated by the spectra in the fit), rather than modify the flux designed to fit a single spectrum. The need to store temporary results, as well as the requirements of the model calculation, lead to many workspace arrays: further, the transformations applied are often fixed during a fit, or can be split to avoid redundant calculations into parts that are fixed and parts that change during iteration in order. XSPEC's internal organization (data structures) can be mapped straightforwardly to the requirements of these models so to implement them efficiently and handle memory allocation, we recommend that mixing models be written in C++ or C. At present only a C++ implementation is available.

Mixing models are listed in a mixmodel.dat file in the src/manager directory. This is similar to the standard model.dat file except that the class required to run the model is preceded by U_. If a template function is used to run multiple models (e.g. U_Psf) then the template value is added (e.g. U_psf<XMM>). Finally, if other header classes are required to build the models then their names should be included in parentheses. For instance the clmass model requires Potential.h and Potential.cxx so this is indicated by U_MIClusterMassModel(Potential).

The mixing model class requires a constructor taking a single argument:

 ModelClassName (const string& name);
and three public methods
 void initialize (const std::vector<Real>& params, const
                  IntegerVector& specNums, const std::string& modelName);
 void perform (const EnergyPointer& energy, const std::vector<Real>& params,
               GroupFluxContainer& flux, GroupFluxContainer& fluxVariance);
 void initializeForFit (const std::vector<Real>& params, bool paramsAreFrozen);
where initialize is run the first time the model is called, initializeForFit at the start of any fit command, and perform for each model calculation.

The MixUtility class from which all these mixing model classes inherit contains a number of members and methods which can make writing mixing models easier. If the following arrays are set then the doMix method does all the hard work and just needs to be called from perform.

 // sets of spectrum numbers to be mixed together. each set is in the order
 // of the mixing matrix
 std::vector<IntegerVector> m_specNumsMixSets;
 // mixing factors NxNxNe. note that the outer vector is the spectrum number
 // of the output and the inner vector is the spectrum number of the input
 std::vector<std::vector<RealArray> > m_mixingFactors;
 // energies if the mixing factors are energy-dependent. this must be the same
 // size as the RealArray in m_mixingFactors
 RealArray m_mixingEnergies;

The useful MixUtility methods are:

  // do all the hard work to mix the models
  void doMix(const EnergyPointer& energy, GroupFluxContainer& flux);

  // return the total number of data groups
  size_t numberOfDataGroups() const;
  // return the total number of spectra
  size_t numberOfSpectra() const;
  // return true if there is valid data, false if not
  bool isAnyData() const;

  // return the datagroup number (1-based) for the spectrum (1-based)
  size_t dataGroupNumber(const size_t spectrumNumber) const;

  // return a map of all the xflt names and values for the spectrum
  std::map<string, Real> allXfltValues(const size_t
                                       spectrumNumber) const;
  // return the value for the input xflt name and spectrum
  Real xfltValue(const size_t spectrumNumber,
                 const string xfltName) const;
  // return the value for the input xflt number and spectrum
  Real xfltValue(const size_t spectrumNumber,
                 const int xfltNumber) const;
  // return true if the intput xflt name exists in the spectrum
  bool isInXflt(const size_t spectrumNumber, const string xfltName) const;
  // return true if the intput xflt number exists in the spectrum
  bool isInXflt(const size_t spectrumNumber, const int xfltNumber) const;

  // return the name of the spectrum (1-based)
  string dataName(const size_t spectrumNumber) const;
  // return the complete pathname of the spectrum (1-based)
  string fullPathName(const size_t spectrumNumber) const;

  // return the source number (1-based) for this model
  size_t sourceNumber() const;
  // return the data group map for this source number
  const std::map<size_t, size_t>& sourceToDataGroups(
                     const size_t sourceNumber) const;
  // return true if the spectrum is active for the source number
  bool isSpectrumActive(const size_t spectrumNumber,
                        const size_t sourceNumber) const;

  // return the response name for the spectrum and source number
  string rmfName(const size_t spectrumNumber,
                 const size_t sourceNumber) const;

  // return the EnergyPointer object for this model
  EnergyPointer allEnergies();

Users considering adding new mixing model types should contact the developers of XSPEC at

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Last modified: Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 17:05:25 EDT