More models for XSPEC

The following models have been publically released by their authors but are not included in the latest release. Those that are table models can simply be downloaded and used in XSPEC using the atable or mtable commands. Other models can be installed as local models as described in the appendix.

Some of these models are available through GitHub.

If you have models that you would like to make available to a wider public, please contact the Xspec team.

Note that we do not assume any responsibility for the content found on these linked pages. The inclusion of these links does not imply endorsement or guarantee of their content or functionality. External links open in a new window.

Local models

Table models

An Xspec Table Model Generator is available from MIT to assist in creating your own table models in Python. It includes functionality to include polarization data.

Older local models now included as standard in the current release

Keith Arnaud, Exploration of the Universe Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

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Last modified: Friday, 14-Mar-2025 21:38:16 EDT