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RADIO - Master Radio Catalog



The RADIO database table is a periodically revised master catalog that contains selected parameters from a number of the HEASARC database tables that have information on radio source flux densities. The contents of this RADIO master catalog are listed in alphabetical order in the References section of this document. Each entry in RADIO has a parameter called `database_table` which indicates the originating database table from which the entry was copied. Users should check out the original database table if they want to examine all of the parameters that are available in that particular database table for the particular source(s) in which they are interested.

Two of the component database tables of RADIO, DIXON and KUEHR, are compilations of radio observations, and individual sources can have multiple entries, representing either observations at different frequencies or multiple observations at the same frequency. In the latter case, notice, the flux density quoted in the RADIO database is an average of the individual flux densities at that particular frequency in the originating database. To see all of the individual entries for a source in RADIO from either of these two component databases, the corresponding entries in the DIXON and KUEHR database tables should be examined.

The HEASARC in certain instances has included radio sources for which the quoted value for the specified band is an upper limit rather than a detection. The HEASARC recommends that the user should always check the original tables to get the complete information about the properties of the sources listed in the RADIO master source list.


The RADIO master catalog table was last updated on 17 October 2024.


The catalogs comprising the RADIO Master Catalog are as follows:
  * ACTEGSRCAT - Atacama Cosmology Telescope 2008 Survey 148-GHz Extragalactic
                 Source Catalog (Marriage et al. 2011)
  * ACTSSRCAT  - Atacama Cosmology Telescope 2008 Southern Survey 148/218 GHz
                 Source Catalog (Marsden et al. 2014)
  * AEGIS20    - All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip Int. Survey (AEGIS) VLA
                 20-cm Source Catalog (Ivison R.J. et al. 2007)
  * AEGIS20ID  - All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip Int. Survey (AEGIS) VLA
                 20-cm Source Catalog Fully Identified Sample
                 (Willner S.P. et al. 2012)
  * AMI10C15GZ - 10C Survey at 15.7 GHz Radio Source Catalog
                 (AMI Consortium 2011)
  * AMIGPS16GH - AMI Galactic Plane Survey 16-GHz Source Catalog
                 (AMI Consortium 2013)
  * ASKAPBETA  - BETA Pilot Multi-Epoch Continuum Survey of Spitzer SPT Deep
                 Field (Heywood I. et al. 2016)
  * AT20G      - Australia Telescope 20-GHz (AT20G) Survey Catalog
                 (Murphy T. et al. 2010)
  * AT20GBSPOL - Bright Extra-Galactic AT20G Sources Polarizations Catalog
                 (Massardi M. et al. 2013)
  * AT20GBSS   - Australia Telescope 20-GHz Survey Bright Source Sample
                 (Massardi M. et al. 2008)
  * AT2FGLUS   - Australia Telescope 2FGL Unassociated Sources Radio Source
                 Catalog (Petrov L. et al. 2013)
  * ATATS      - Allen Telescope Array Twenty-cm Survey (ATATS) Source Catalog
                 (Croft S. et al. 2010)
  * ATCAADFS20 - Australia Telescope Compact Array AKARI Deep Field South 20-cm
                 Source Catalog (White G.J. et al. 2012)
  * ATCDFSSS82 - Australia Telescope Chandra Deep Field-South and SDSS Stripe
                 82 20-GHz Source Catalog (Franzen T.M.O. et al. 2014)
  * ATESP1P4GH - Australia Telescope Compact Array AKARI Deep Field South
                 20-cm Source Catalog (White G.J. et al. 2012)
  * ATESP1P4GH - Australia Telescope ESO Slice Project 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Prandoni I. et al. 2000)
  * ATHDFS1P4G - Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field-South 1.4-GHz Source
                 Catalog (Huynh M.T. et al. 2005)
  * ATHDFSCCAT - Australia Telescope Hubble Deep Field-South Combined Source
                 Catalog (Huynh M.T. et al. 2007)
  * ATLAS2P3GH - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) ELAIS-S1 & CDF-S 2.3-GHz Source
                 Catalog (Zinn P.-C. et al. 2012)
  * ATLAS5P5GH - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) E-CDF-S 5.5-GHz Components
                 Catalog (Huynh M.T. et al. et al. 2012)
  * ATLASCSCPT - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) CDF-S/SWIRE 1.4-GHz Components
                 Catalog (Norris R.P. et al. 2006)
  * ATLASCSID  - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) CDF-S/SWIRE ID and Classification
                 Catalog (Norris R.P. et al. 2006)
  * ATLASD2CPT - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) CDF-S & ELAIS-S1 1.4-GHz DR2
                 Components Catalog (Hales C.A. et al. 2014)
  * ATLASESCPT - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) ELAIS-S1/SWIRE 1.4-GHz Components
                 Catalog (Middelberg E. et al. 2008)
  * ATLASESID  - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) ELAIS-S1/SWIRE ID and
                 Classification Catalog (Middelberg E. et al. 2008)
  * ATLASSPECZ - AT Large Area Survey (ATLAS) Spectroscopic Classes and
                 Redshifts Catalog (Mao et al. 2008)
  * ATLBS1P4GH - Australia Telescope Low-Brightness Survey Source Catalog
                 (Thorat et al. 2013)
  * ATLGDS2P1G - Australia Telescope Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals 2.1-GHz
                 Components Catalog (Regis et al. 2015)
  * ATPMNCAT   - Australia Telescope-PMN Catalog of Southern Radio Sources
                 (McConnell D. et al. 2012)
  * ATNFPULSAR - ATNF Pulsar Catalog (R.N. Manchester et al., at
  * BOOF153MHZ - Bootes Field GMRT 153-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Intema H.T. et al. 2011)
  * BOOTESDF   - Bootes Deep Field WSRT 1.4 GHz Source Catalog
                 (De Vries W.H. et al. 2002)
  * CGPSNGPCAT - Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) 1420-MHz Compact Source
                 Catalog (Taylor A.R. et al. 2017)
  * CGRABS     - Candidate Gamma-Ray Blazar Survey Source Catalog
                 (Healey S.E. et al. 2008)
  * COSMOSVLBA - COSMOS Field VLBA Observations 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Herrera Ruiz N. et al. 2017)
  * CRATES     - Combined Radio All-Sky Targeted Eight-GHz Survey
                 Flat-Spectrum Radio Source Catalog
                 (Healey S.E. et al. 2007)
  * CRATESOCRAP- OCRA-p Survey of a Subset of CRATES Sources
                 (Peal M.W. et al. 2011)
  * DIXON      - Dixon Master List of Radio Sources (Version 43, Dixon R.S.)

  * ELAISFBMC  - European Large-Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) Final Band-Merged
                 Catalog (Rowan-Robinson M. et al. 2004)
  * FER2FUSRID - Fermi 2FGL Unassociated Gamma-Ray Sources Possible Radio
                 Identifications (Schinzel F.K. et al. 2015)
  * FIRST      - The FIRST Survey Catalog of 1.4-GHz Radio Sources
                 (White R.L. et al. 1997; Helfand D.J. et al. 2015;
                 17 December 2014 Version)
  * FRICAT     - A FIRST Catalog of FR I Radio Galaxies
                 (Capetti A., Massaro F., Baldi R.D. 2017)
  * FRIICAT    - A FIRST Catalog of FR II Radio Galaxies
                 (Capetti A., Massaro F., Baldi R.D. 2017)
  * GB6        - The Green Bank 6-cm (GB6) Catalog of Radio Sources
                 (Gregory P.C., Scott W.K., Douglas K., Condon J.J. 1996)
  * GBT31GHZ   - The Green Bank Telescope 100-m 31-GHZ Radio Source Catalog
                 (Mason B.S. et al. 2009)
  * GCPS       - Galactic Center P-Band (330 MHz) Survey (Nord M.E. et al. 2004)

  * GLEAMEGCAT - GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA Survey (GLEAM)
                 Extragalactic Catalog (Hurley-Walker N. et al. 2017)
  * GMRT1HXCSF - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope 1h XMM/Chandra Survey Field
                 610-MHz Source Catalog (Moss D. et al. 2007)
  * GMRT4F150M - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Field I 150-MHz Radio Source
                 Catalog (Ghosh A. et al. 2012)
  * GMRTAS150M - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope All-Sky 150-MHz Radio Source
                 Catalog (Intema H.T. et al. 2017)
  * GMRTHA325M - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA Fields
                 325-MHz Source Catalog (Mauch T. et al. 2013)
  * GMRTELAIN1 - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope ELAIS-N1 Field 610-MHz Radio
                 Source Catalog (Garn T. et al. 2008)
  * GMRTELAIN2 - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope ELAIS-N2 Field 610-MHz Radio
                 Source Catalog (Garn T. et al. 2009)
  * GMRTJ0916  - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope J0916+6348 Field Radio Source
                 Catalog (Sirothia S.K. et al. 2009)
  * GMRTK2F1LF - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope 150-MHz Survey of Kepler K2
                 Field 1 (Tingay S.J. et al. 2016)
  * GMRTLBDSLY - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope LBDS-Lynx Region 150-MHz Radio
                 Source Catalog (Ishwara-Chandra  C.H. et al. 2010)
  * GMRTLHCAT  - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Lockman Hole 610-MHz Radio
                 Source Catalog (Garn T. et al. 2008)
  * GMRTLHCAT2 - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Lockman Hole 610-MHz Radio
                 Source Catalog 2 (Garn T. et al. 2010)
  * GMRTLHCAT3 - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Lockman Hole 610-MHz Radio
                 Source Catalog 3 (Ibar E. et al. 2009)
  * GMRTSPXFLS - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Spitzer Extragalactic First
                 Look Survey Field 610-MHz Radio Source Catalog
                 (Garn T. et al. 2007)
  * GMRTVVDSVL - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope VVDS-VLA Deep Field Catalog
                 (Bondi M. et al. 2007)
  * GMRTXL240M - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope XMM Large Scale Structure
                 240-MHz Source Catalog (Tasse C. et al. 2007)
  * GMRTXL610M - Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope XMM Large Scale Structure
                 610-MHz Source Catalog (Tasse C. et al. 2007)
  * GP7C151MHZ - 7C(G) 151-MHz Northern Galactic Plane Survey Catalog
                 (Vessey S.J., Green D.A. 1998)
  * GPA        - The First Galactic Plane Survey at 8.35 and 14.35 GHz
                 (Langston G. et al. 2000)
  * KUEHR      - Extragalactic Radio Sources at 5 GHz (Kuehr H. et al. 1981)

  * LD7C151MHZ - 7C 151-MHz Low-Declination Survey Catalog
                 (Waldram E.M. et al. 1996)
  * LOF3C29534 - LOFAR 3C295 Field 34-MHz Source Catalog
                 (van Weeren R.J. et al. 2014)
  * LOF3C29546 - LOFAR 3C295 Field 46-MHz Source Catalog
                 (van Weeren R.J. et al. 2014)
  * LOF3C29562 - LOFAR 3C295 Field 62-MHz Source Catalog
                 (van Weeren R.J. et al. 2014)
  * LOFARBF62M - LOFAR Bootes Field 62-MHz Source Catalog
                 (van Weeren R.J. et al. 2014)
  * LOFHATLAS  - LOFAR Radio Catalog of Herschel-ATLAS North Galactic Pole Field
                 (Hardcastle M.J. et al. 2016)
  * LOTSSPRCAT - LOFAR 2-Meter Sky Survey Preliminary Data Release Source
                 Catalog (Shimwell T.W. et al. 2017)
  * LOWZVLQVLA - VLA 6-GHz Observations of Low-Redshift SDSS QSOs
                 (Kellermann K.I. et al. 2016)
  * MAGPIS     - The Multi-Array Galactic Plane Imaging Survey (Helfand D.J.,
                 Becker R.H., White R.L., Fallon A., Tuttle S. 2006)
  * MITGB6CM   - The MIT-Green Bank 5 GHz Survey Catalog
                 (Griffith M., Langston G., Heflin M., Conner S., Burke B. 1991)
  * MGPS2      - Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey 2nd Epoch Compact Source Catalog
                 (Murphy et al. 2007)
  * MOSTATLAS  - Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope ATLAS 843-MHz Source
                 Catalog (Randall K.E. et al. 2012)
  * MOSTSNRCAT - The Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope Supernova Remnant
                 Catalog (Whiteoak J.B.Z., Green A.J. 1996)
  * MRC        - Molonglo Reference Catalog of 408-MHz Radio Sources
                 (Large M.I. et al. 1991)
  * MWA32THGL  - Murchison Widefield Array 32-T Low-Frequency Source Catalog
                 (Williams C.L. et al. 2012)
  * MWACS      - Murchison Widefield Array Commissioning Survey Compact
                 Low-Frequency Source Catalog (Hurley-Walker N. et al. 2014)
  * MWAK2F1LFC - Murchison Widefield Array Low-Frequency Radio Survey of Kepler
                 K2 Field 1 (Tingay S.J. et al. 2016)
  * NCP21CMA   - North Celestial Pole Region Radio Sources Detected by the 21cm
                 Array (Zheng Q. et al. 2016)
  * NORTH6CM   - The 6-cm Northern Sky Survey Catalog (Becker R.H. et al. 1991)

  * NORTH20CM  - The 20-cm Northern Sky Catalog
                 (White R.L., Becker R.H. 1992)
  * NVSS       - The NRAO VLA Sky Survey (Condon J.J. et al. at
  * OSQSONVSS  - Optically-Selected QSOS NVSS-Detected Source Catalog
                 (Condon J.J. et al. 2013)
  * OVRO31GHZ  - The Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40-m 31-GHZ Radio Source
                 Catalog (Mason B.S. et al. 2009)
  * PCCS030GHZ - Planck Catalog of 30-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS044GHZ - Planck Catalog of 44-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS070GHZ - Planck Catalog of 70-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS100GHZ - Planck Catalog of 100-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS143GHZ - Planck Catalog of 143-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS217GHZ - Planck Catalog of 217-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS353GHZ - Planck Catalog of 353-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS545GHZ - Planck Catalog of 545-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PCCS857GHZ - Planck Catalog of 857-GHz Compact Sources Release 2
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PDS1P4GHZ  - Phoenix Deep Survey 1.4-GHz Catalog
                 (Hopkins A.M. et al. 2003)
  * PDSOID     - Phoenix Deep Survey Optical and Near-Infrared Counterparts
                 Catalog (Georgakakis A. et al. 1999)
  * PIGSSBOOFD - Allen Telescope Array Pi GHz Sky Survey (PiGSS) Boo Field
                 Source Catalog (Bower G.C. et al. 2010)
  * PIGSSELCNF - Allen Telescope Array Pi GHz Sky Survey (PiGSS) Deep Fields
                 Source Catalog (Croft S. et al. 2013)
  * PKSCAT90   - Parkes Catalog 1990: The Southern Radio Source Database
                 (Wright A.E., Otrupcek R. 1990)
  * PLANCKGCC  - Planck Catalog of Galactic Cold Clumps (PGCC)
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PLANCKHZSC - Planck High-Redshift Source Candidates Catalog
                 (Planck Collaboration 2016)
  * PMN        - Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) Southern, Tropical, Equatorial and Zenith
                 Surveys (Wright A.E. et al. 1996)
  * PMPULSAR   - The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey
                 (Manchester R.N., Morris D.J., Kramer M. et al. 2001-2003)
  * ROMABZCAT  - Roma-BZCAT Multi-Frequency Catalog of Blazars
                 (Massaro E. et al. 2009)
  * ROS13HRVLA - ROSAT/XMM-Newton 13-hr Deep Field VLA 20-cm Source Catalog
                 (Seymour N. et al. 2004)
  * ROXA       - ROXA (Radio-Optical-X-ray at ASDC) Blazars Catalog
                 (Turriziani S. et al. 2007)
  * RRS8C38MHZ - 8C Revised Rees Survey 38-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Hales S.E.G. et al. 1995; Rees N. 1990)
  * RT9CC15GHZ - 9C Continued 15-GHz Ryle Telescope Survey of VSA Fields Source
                 Catalog (Waldram et al. 2010)
  * RTV9C15GHZ - 9C 15-GHz Ryle Telescope Survey of VSA Fields Source Catalog
                 (Waldram et al. 2003)
  * SAXHELLASR - BeppoSAX High-Energy Large Area Survey (HELLAS) Radio Source
                 Catalog (Ciliegi P. et al. 2003)
  * SGRAREGCSC - Sgr A* Region Compact Radio Source Catalog
                 (Yusef-Zadeh F. et al. 2015)
  * SMC843MHZ  - Small Magellanic Cloud MOST 843-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Wong G.F. et al. 2011)
  * SMC1400MHZ - Small Magellanic Cloud ATCA and Parkes 1400-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Wong G.F. et al. 2011)
  * SMC4800MHZ - Small Magellanic Cloud ATCA 4800-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Wong G.F. et al. 2012)
  * SMC8640MHZ - Small Magellanic Cloud ATCA 8640-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Wong G.F. et al. 2012)
  * SMCRADIO   - Small Magellanic Cloud ATCA Radio Continuum Sources Catalog
                 (Payne J.A. et al. 2004)
  * SNRGREEN   - Catalog of Galactic Supernova Remnants
                 (Green D.A. 2000; August 2000 Version)
  * SPASS2P3GH - S-PASS (S-Band Polarization All-Sky Survey) 2.3-GHz Source
                 Catalog (Meyers B.W. et al. 2017)
  * SPTMM87SD  - South Polar Telescope 87-Square Degree Survey Millimeter
                 Source Catalog (Vieira J.D. et al. 2010)
  * SPTSZSPSC  - South Polar Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Survey Point Source
                 Catalog (Mocanu L.M. et al. 2013)
  * SUMSS      - Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey Source Catalog
                 (Mauch T. et al. 2003)
  * SZA31GHZ   - The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array 31-GHZ Radio Source Catalog
                 (Muchovej S. et al. 2010)
  * TEXAS      - The Texas Survey of Radio Sources at 365 MHz
                 (Douglas J.N. et al. 1996)
  * TRAMISUBOO - Two-Meter Radio Mini Survey (T-RaMiSu) of the Bootes Field
                 (Williams W.L., Intema H.T., Rottgering H.J.A. 2013)
  * UC7C151MHZ - 7C Catalog 151-MHz Survey Final Unified Source Catalog
                 (Hales S.E.G. et al. 2007)
  * VLA23901P4 - VLA A2390 Cluster of Galaxies 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Wold I.G.B. et al. 2012)
  * VLA3701P4  - VLA A370 Cluster of Galaxies 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Wold I.G.B. et al. 2012)
  * VLA74MHZDP - VLA 74-MHz Deep High-Resolution Survey Source Catalog
                 (Cohen A.S. et al. 2004)
  * VLACDFSCAT - VLA Survey of Chandra Deep Field South
                 (Kellermann K.I. et al. 2008)
  * VLACOMACAT - VLA Coma Cluster of Galaxies 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Miller N.A. et al. 2009)
  * VLACOS324M - VLA-COSMOS Survey 324-MHz Continuum Source Catalog
                 (Smolcic V. et al. 2014)
  * VLACOS3GHZ - VLA-COSMOS 3-GHz Large Project Source Catalog
                 (Smolcic V. et al. 2017)
  * VLACOSMJSC - VLA-COSMOS Project 1.4-GHz Joint Source Catalog
                 (Schinnerer E. et al. 2010)
  * VLACOSMOS  - VLA-COSMOS Large Project 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Schinnerer E. et al. 2007)
  * VLAECDFS1P4- VLA Extended-Chandra Deep Field-South 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Miller N.A. et al. 2013)
  * VLAECDFSOI - VLA Extended-Chandra Deep Field-South 1.4-GHz Sources Opt/IR
                 Counterparts Catalog (Bonzini M. 2012)
  * VLAEN20CM  - VLA ELAIS N1, N2, N3 Fields 20-cm Source Catalog
                 (Ciliegi P. et al. 1999)
  * VLAGBSOPH  - VLA Gould's Belt Survey Ophiuchus Complex Source Catalog
                 (Dzib S.A. et al. 2013)
  * VLAGBSORI  - VLA Gould's Belt Survey Orion Complex Source Catalog
                 (Kounkel M. et al. 2014)
  * VLAGBSPER  - VLA Gould's Belt Survey Perseus Region Source Catalog
                 (Pech G. et al. 2016)
  * VLAGBSSER  - VLA Gould's Belt Survey Serpens Region Source Catalog
                 (Ortiz-Leon G.N. et al. 2015)
  * VLAGBSTAU  - VLA Gould's Belt Survey Taurus-Auriga Complex Source Catalog
                 (Dzib S.A. et al. 2015)
  * VLAGOODSN  - VLA GOODS-North Field 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Morrison G.E. et al. 2010)
  * VLAHDF20CM - VLA Hubble Deep Field 20-cm Source Catalog
                 (Richards E.A. 2000)
  * VLALH1400M - VLA Lockman Hole 1400-MHz Radio Source Catalog
                 (Ibar E. et al. 2009)
  * VLALHN3GHZ - VLA Lockman Hole 3-GHz Radio Source Catalog
                 (Vernstrom T.S. et al. 2016)
  * VLAM311P4G - VLA M 31 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Galvin T.J., Filipovic M.D. 2014)
  * VLAM31325M - VLA M 31 325-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Gelfand J.D. et al. 2004)
  * VLANEP     - VLA 1.5-GHz North Ecliptic Pole Survey
                 (Kollgaard R.I. et al. 1994)
  * VLAONCCAT  - VLA Orion Nebula Cluster Compact Source Catalog
                 (Forbrich J. et al. 2016)
  * VLASDF20CM - VLA SWIRE Deep Field 20-cm Source Catalog
                 (Owen F.N., Morrison G.E. 2008)
  * VLASDF90CM - VLA SWIRE Deep Field 90-cm Source Catalog
                 (Owen F.N. et al. 2009)
  * VLASS821P4 - VLA SDSS Stripe 82 Survey 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Hodge J.A. et al. 2011)
  * VLASXDF1P4 - VLA Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field 1.4-GHz Source Catalog
                 (Simpson C. et al. 2006)
  * VLAXL325MH - VLA XMM Large Scale Structure Field 325-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Tasse C. et al. 2006)
  * VLAXL74MHZ - VLA XMM Large Scale Structure Field 74-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Tasse C. et al. 2006)
  * VLSSR      - VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey Redux Source Catalog
                 (Lane W.M. et al. 2012)
  * VVDS20CM   - VLA-VIRMOS Deep Field 20-cm Source Catalog
                 (Bondi M. et al. 2003)
  * WBHGP20CM  - New Catalog of Compact 20cm Sources in the Galactic Plane
                 (White R.L., Becker R.H., Helfand D.J. 2005)
  * WBHGP6CM   - New Catalog of Compact 6cm Sources in the Galactic Plane
                 (White R.L., Becker R.H., Helfand D.J. 2005)
  * WENSS      - The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey at 325 MHz
                 (Rengelink R.B. et al. 1997)
  * WISH       - The Westerbork in the Southern Hemisphere (WISH) Survey
                 (De Breuck C. et al. 2002)
  * WMAPCMBFPS - WMAP 9-Year CMB-Free QVW Point Source Catalog
                 (Bennett, C.L. et al. 2012, submitted)
  * WMAPITNPTS - WMAP 7-Year Internal Templates and Needlets New Source Catalog
                 (Scodeller S. et al. 2012)
  * WMAPPTSRC  - WMAP 9-Year 5-Band Point Source Catalog
                 (Bennett, C.L. et al. 2012, submitted)
  * WSRT20ANEP - AKARI NEP WSRT 20-cm Source Catalog
                 (White G.J. et al. 2010)
  * WSRTGP     - WSRT Galactic Plane Compact 327-MHz Source Catalog
                 (Taylor A.R. et al. 1996)


This database table is periodically updated by the HEASARC whenever one of the component database tables is modified or a new component database table is added.


The source designation in the originating database.

The originating database table.

The Right Ascension of the radio source.

The Declination of the radio source.

The Galactic Longitude of the radio source.

The Galactic Latitude of the radio source.

The radio flux density at 20 cm (defined as lying in the frequency range from 1390 to 1670 MHz) in mJy, or, in a few cases, mJy/beam. For single-dish surveys such as NORTH20CM and PKSCAT90, the quoted values are essentially in mJy. For most surveys carried out with interferometric telescopes such as the VLA, e.g., FIRST, WBHGP20CM, WBHGP6CM, NVSS, VLACOMCAT, VLANEP, WSRT20ANEP, ATCAADFS20, ATHDFS1P4G, ATESP1P4GH, PDS1P4GHZ, VLAECDFS1P4, VLASS821P4, VLAGOODSN, VLACOS324M, AEGIS20, AEGIS20ID, and ROS13HRVLA, we have selected the integrated flux density of the source (in mJy) rather than the peak flux density (in mJy/beam). The data entries and documentation for the original database tables should be examined for more detailed information.

The estimated error in the radio flux density at 20 cm, in mJy, or, in a few cases, mJy/beam. For entries from the FIRST Catalog, this is the local rms noise estimate at the source position, and does not include any additional error for spatially extended sources.

The radio flux density at 6 cm (defined as lying in the frequency range from 4500 to 5050 MHz) in mJy, or, in a few cases, mJy/beam. For single-dish surveys such as NORTH6CM, NORTH20CM and PKSCAT90, the quoted value is essentially in mJy. For entries from the WBHGP6CM and PMN Catalogs, we have selected the integrated flux density of the source (in mJy) rather than the peak flux density (in mJy/beam). The data entries and documentation for the original database tables should be examined for more detailed information.

The estimated error in the radio flux density at 6 cm, in mJy.

The radio flux density at a wavelength other than 6 or 20 cm, in mJy, or mJy/beam. For some catalogs (e.g., WENSS, SUMSS, AMI10C15GZ, GMRT*, SGRAREGCSC, ASKAPBETA), we have selected the integrated flux density of the source (in mJy) rather than the peak brightness or flux density (in mJy/beam). The original databases should be examined for the latter information. The particular wavelength to which the quoted flux density corresponds varies according to which particular component database the entry comes from:

      Database    Selected Frequency  Corresponding Wavelength
                        in MHz                in cm

      ACTEGSRCAT       148000                   0.203
      ACTSSRCAT        148000                   0.203
      AMI10C15GZ        15700                   1.91
      AMIGPS16GH        15700                   1.91
      ASKAPBETA           863                  34.7
      AT20G             20000                   1.5
      AT20GBSPOL        18000                   1.7
      AT20GBSS          20000                   1.5
      AT2FGLUS           9000                   3.
      ATCDFSSS82        20000                   1.5
      ATHDFSCCAT         8700                   3.4
      ATLAS2P3GH         2300                  13.
      ATLGDS2P1G         2100                  14.
      ATPMNCAT           8600                   3.5
      ATNFPULSAR          400                  75.
      BOOF153MHZ          153                 196.
      CGRABS             8440                  ~3.6
      CRATES             8440                  ~3.6
      CRATESOCRAP       30000                   1.0
      DIXON           2600 - 2800          10.7 - 11.5
      FER2FUSRID         9000                   3.
      GBT31GHZ          31000                   0.97
      GCPS                330                  91.
      GLEAMEGCAT          151                 199.
      GMRT1HXCSF          610                  49.
      GMRT4F150M          150                 200.
      GMRTAS150M          150                 200.
      GMRTHA325M          325                  92.2
      GMRTELAIN1          610                  49.
      GMRTELAIN2          610                  49.
      GMRTJ0916           153                 196.
      GMRTK2F1LF          150                 200.
      GMRTLBDSLY          150                 200.
      GMRTLHCAT           610                  49.
      GMRTLHCAT2          610                  49.
      GMRTLHCAT3          610                  49.
      GMRTSPXFLS          610                  49.
      GMRTVVDSVL          610                  49.
      GMRTXL240M          240                 125.
      GMRTXL610M          610                  49.
      GP7C151MHZ          151                 199.
      GPA                8350                   3.6
      KUEHR          2600 - 2800           10.7 - 11.5
      LD7C151MHZ          151                 199.
      LOF3C29534           34                 882.
      LOF3C29546           46                 652.
      LOF3C29562           62                 484.
      LOFARBF62M           62                 484.
      LOFHATLAS           150                 200.
      LOTSSPRCAT          150                 200.
      LOWZVLQVLA         6000                   5.
      MGPS2               843                  35.6
      MOSTATLAS           843                  35.6
      MOSTSNRCAT          843                  35.6
      MRC                 408                  73.5
      MWACS               180                 167.
      MWAK2F1LFC       154 / 185           195. / 162.
      NCP21CMA            131.25              228.41
      NORTH20CM           365                  82.
      OVRO31GHZ         31000                   0.97
      PIGSSBOOFD         3100                   9.7
      PIGSSELCNF         3040                   9.86
      PKSCAT90           2700                  11.1
      PCCS030GHZ        30000                   1.0
      PCCS044GHZ        44000                   0.68
      PCCS070GHZ        70000                   0.43
      PCCS100GHZ       100000                   0.300
      PCCS143GHZ       143000                   0.210
      PCCS217GHZ       217000                   0.138
      PCCS353GHZ       353000                   0.0850
      PCCS545GHZ       545000                   0.0550
      PCCS857GHZ       857000                   0.0350
      PLANCKGCC        353000                   0.0850
      PLANCKHZSC       545000                   0.0550
      ROMABZCAT        143000                   0.210
      RRS8C38MHZ           38                 790.
      RT9CC15GHZ        15000                   2.0
      RTV9C15GHZ        15000                   2.0
      SAXHELLASR        86000                  12.6
      SGRAREGCSC        34500                   0.869
      SMC843MHZ           843                  35.6
      SMC8640MHZ         8640                   3.47
      SMCRADIO           2370                  12.6
      SNRGREEN           1000                  30.0
      SPASS2P3GH         2300                  13.
      SPTMM87SD        150000                   0.20
      SPTSZSPSC        150000                   0.20
      SUMSS               843                  35.6
      SZA31GHZ          31000                   0.97
      TEXAS               365                  82.1
      TRAMISUBOO          153                 196.
      UC7C151MHZ          151                 199.
      VLA74MHZDP           74                 405.
      VLACOS324M          324                  92.5
      VLACOS3GHZ         3000                  10.
      VLAGBSOPH          7500                   4.0
      VLAGBSORI          7500                   4.0
      VLAGBSPER          7500                   4.0
      VLAGBSSER          7500                   4.0
      VLAGBSTAU          7500                   4.0
      VLALHN3GHZ         3000                  10.
      VLAM311P4G          325                  92.2
      VLAM31325M          325                  92.2
      VLAONCCAT          6100                   4.9
      VLAXL325MH          325                  92.2
      VLAXL74MHZ           74                 405.
      VLSSR                74                 405.
      WENSS               325                  92.2
      WISH                352                  85.2
      WMAPCMBFPS        40700                   0.737
      WMAPITNPTS        22500                   1.33
      WMAPPTSRC         22500                   1.33
      WSRTGP              327                  91.7
      XRAYSELBLL          843                  35.6
Note that, in a few cases in MOSTSNRCAT, some quoted values are lower limits to the actual integrated flux density. The MWA32THGL entries use an average flux over multiple bands. Refer to the original catalog for more information.

The estimated error in the radio flux density at the particular wavelength to which the flux_other parameter corresponds, in mJy, or, in a few cases, mJy/beam. For entries from the WENSS catalog, this is the local rms noise estimate at the source position, and does not include any additional error for spatially extended sources.

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Questions regarding the RADIO database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Thursday, 17-Oct-2024 19:34:21 EDT