The U.S. ASCA Guest Observer Facility
The U.S. ASCA Guest Observer Facility (GOF) is located at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The GOF is part of the Office of General Investigator Programs (OGIP) in the Astrophysics Science Division The U.S. ASCA GOF currently supports guest observers at the following stages:
Data analysis
ASCA data are rich and complex. To help Guest Observers produce scientific results, the ASCA Guest Observer Facility (GOF) supplies fully documented data analysis software. The GOF also staffs a quick-response help-desk, to which Guest Observers should e-mail ( any questions, comments, or suggestions about ASCA data analysis.
The ASCA mission archive is maintained and accessed through the HEASARC . A full description of the HEASARC archive and how to access it, is given on the asca gof home page.
The roll the US ASCA GOF played while it was an active mission is recorded here.
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