For the analysis of ASCA data, we provide generic and ASCA-specific FTOOLS which can be run within XSELECT, in stand-alone mode, and from within IRAF. Due to the limitation in resources, we cannot support a second, independent analysis system.
We did not adopt IDL as our primary analysis environment due to its proprietary nature. However, we do recognize that IDL provides a powerful environment for data analysis and presentation, with many supporters within the astronomical community; and we are pleased to provide IDL routines and documentation, and will act as a clearing house of information if IDL users in the community wish to make contributions in software and documentation.
The ASCA GOF will not support IDL software for ASCA data analysis, in that we do not guarantee to answer any questions or to respond to requests for bug fixes or software improvements. We therefore recommend ASCA data analysis using IDL only to those who are already familiar with IDL and are willing to understand and possibly improve these codes.
ASCA IDL Analysis System
Developed By Tahir Yaqoob, Peter Serlemitsos and
Andy Ptak
Please consult the Guide
A Semi-Animalistic Approcah To ASCA Data Analysis With IDL
Please consult the Guide
Explicit reference to the System in any publication which makes use of it is courteous and will be appreciated.
Also see Andy Ptak's ASCA IDL page
Please note: This analysis system is not intended to replace the official FTOOLS/XSELECT system and is NOT directly supported by the ASCA GOF
This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Oct-2021 15:31:53 EDT
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