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ASCA Guest Observer Facility

Bugs/Features in the ASCA data analysis software

Last updated on 2002 Feb 25

This list is appropriate for HEAsoft v5.1 and supersedes the ASCA bug list for ftools v5.0 Please also check known FTOOLS bugs and A list of known XSPEC bugs.

  • ascalin

    There is a bug in ascalin which results in strange behaviors on Linux machines: the exact symptom varies from case to case, but ascalin might hang or it might claim event times are out of range of gain history time. As far as we know, this bug only affects the Linux version. The fix is to replace the files sis_record.f and gis_record.f in $FTOOLS/../src/ascalib/src/ascalin. You must first rebuild ascalib by going to this directory and typing hmake. You should then go to $FTOOLS/../src/asca/src/ascalin and type hmake, the type hmake install.

    If you only have the HEAsoft binary distribution, you can download new "libasca" shared library Linux2.4 version as $FTOOLS/lib/ and your existing "ascalin" should work. If this does not work, or if you are using other variants of Linux, please contact the ASCA GOF.

  • ascaeffmap

    There is a bug in ascaeffmap v2.27 which causes the normalization of the output map to be wrong when the instrument is SIS0 or SIS1. The fix is to replace the files ascaeffmap.f and gtenrg1.f in $FTOOLS/../src/asca/src/ascaeffmap. You can rebuild ascaeffmap by going to this directory and typing hmake followed by hmake install. If you only have the HEAsoft binary distribution you can download new ascaeffmap executables for IRIX, Linux 2.2, Linux 2.2 ppc, Linux2.4, OSF, SunOS 5.6, SunOS 5.7, SunOS 5.8 and place them in your $FTOOLS/bin directory.

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This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Oct-2021 16:26:36 EDT

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