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HITOMI GEN Calibration Files: 20160812

The CALDB Index File lists the contents of each CalDB file.

Instrument DETNAM FILTER File Quality Last Updated CODE Description
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_atmsca_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 SFATOM Atomic Scattering Factors from Henke (updates to 2013)
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_coldef_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 TIMECOLDEF Column and Extension Names
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_delay_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 DELAY_FW Delay Time for FW
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_linefit_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 SXI_MNK SXI Fe55 Source (Absorbed Mn Ka and Kb Lines)
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_mkfconf_20140101v004.fits 0 2016-08-12 MKFCONF Selection Criteria
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_qclocka_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 TIME_FREQ Quartz Clock Temperature vs Frequency Pre-Flight
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_qclockb_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 TIME_FREQ Quartz Clock Temperature vs Frequency Pre-Flight
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_saa_20140101v002.fits 0 2016-07-21 SAA2 SAA2 Vertices
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_select_20140101v004.fits 0 2016-08-12 SELECT Selection Criteria
GEN NONE INDEF ah_gen_vigncoef_20140101v001.fits 0 2016-02-18 VIGNCOEF Vignetting Coefficients

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Last modified: Tuesday, 12-Oct-2021 14:35:34 EDT