SAX HPGSPC Calibration Files:

The CALDB Index File lists the contents of each CalDB file.

Instrument DETNAM FILTER File Quality Last Updated CODE Description
HPGSPC NONE NONE hkparmint_hp.fits 0 18/02/97 HKPARMINT
hpgs NONE mesh + LEX hpgspc_512_bkg.pha 0 16/03/98 BKGRND Background PHA Spectrum
HP NONE NONE hpgspc.arf 0 16/03/98 SPECRESP Ancillary Response File
HP NONE none hpgspc.rmf 0 16/03/98 EBOUNDS Redistribution Matrix Channel Boundaries
HPGSPC NONE none hpgspc.arf 0 16/03/98 SPECRESP Ancillary Response File
HPGSPC NONE none hpgspc.rmf 0 16/03/98 EBOUNDS Redistribution Matrix Channel Boundaries
HPGSPC NONE none hpgspc_5200.arf 0 16/03/98 SPECRESP Ancillary Response File
HPGSPC NONE none hpgspc_sep97.arf 0 16/03/98 SPECRESP Ancillary Response File
HPGSPC NONE none hpgspc_sep97.rmf 0 16/03/98 EBOUNDS Redistribution Matrix Channel Boundaries
HPGSPC NONE none hpgspc_ott98.arf 0 1999-05-11 SPECRESP Ancillary Response File

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Last modified: Thursday, 10-Oct-2019 10:44:53 EDT

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