Swift CALDB >>

SWIFT BAT Calibration Files: 20060530

The CALDB Index File lists the contents of each CalDB file.

Instrument DETNAM FILTER File Quality Last Updated CODE Description
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swb20021001v002.teldef 0 2006-05-30 TELDEF TELESCOPE DEFINITION FILE
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swb20041013v001.teldef 1 2006-05-30 TELDEF TELESCOPE DEFINITION FILE
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swb20041120v001.teldef 0 2006-05-30 TELDEF TELESCOPE DEFINITION FILE
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swb4ebound20030101v002.fits 0 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS EBOUNDS table for four channel rate data
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swb4ebound20030819v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS EBOUNDS table for four channel rate data
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swb80ebound20030101v002.fits 0 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS EBOUNDS table for eighty channel survey data
BAT NONE bcf/swb80ebound20030819v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS EBOUNDS table for eighty channel survey data
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperedge20041120v001.fits 0 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask aperture pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperflux20041120v001.fits 0 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask aperture pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperture20030101v002.fits 1 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask aperture pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperture20030101v003.fits 0 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask aperture pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperture20030828v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask (aperture) pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperture20041120v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask aperture pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbaperture20041120v002.fits 0 2006-05-30 CODED_MASK BAT coded mask aperture pattern
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbdepthdis20030101v002.fits 1 2006-05-30 DEPTH_DIST Chebyshev Coefficients for exp(counts/(photons/cm**s/dx))
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbdepthdis20030101v003.fits 0 2006-05-30 DEPTH_DIST Chebyshev Coefficients for exp(counts/(photons/cm**s/dx))
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbdepthdis20040326v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 DEPTH_DIST chebyshev coefficients for exp(counts/(photons/cm^2)/dx)
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbdistort20041120v001.fits 0 2006-05-30 DET_POSCOR NONLINEAR DISTORTION CORRECTIONS
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbgsecal20030304v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 GSE_GAIN linear gain and offset values for ground data
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbgsecal20030304v002.fits 1 2006-05-30 GSE_GAIN linear gain and offset values for ground data
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbgsecal20030304v003.fits 0 2006-05-30 GSE_GAIN linear gain and offset values for ground data
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v002.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v003.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v004.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v005.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v006.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v007.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20030101v008.fits 0 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for CZT detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbparams20041006v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 MT_VALUES mu-tau products for electrons and holes for czt detectors
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbpulsecal20030101v002.fits 1 2006-05-30 PULSER_GAIN Table relating energy to cal pulser DAC levels
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbpulsecal20030101v003.fits 0 2006-05-30 PULSER_GAIN Table relating energy to cal pulser DAC levels
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbpulsecal20031211v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 PULSER_GAIN Table relating energy to cal pulser DAC levels
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbpulseflt20040101v001.fits 0 2006-05-30 PULSER_GAIN Table relating energy to cal pulser DAC levels
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbquadres20030304v002.fits 1 2006-05-30 DET_GAIN Table of quadratic corrections to gain/offset values
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbquadres20030304v003.fits 0 2006-05-30 DET_GAIN Table of ADU-to-DAC to gain/offset values
BAT NONE NONE bcf/swbquadres20040915v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 DET_GAIN Table of quadratic corrections to gain/offset values
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20030101v002.rsp 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS BAT Response Matrix: Ebounds extension
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20030101v003.rsp 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS BAT Response Matrix: Ebounds extension
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20030101v004.rsp 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS BAT Response Matrix: Ebounds extension
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20030101v005.rsp 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS BAT Response Matrix: Ebounds extension
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20030101v006.rsp 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS BAT Response Matrix: Ebounds extension
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20030101v007.rsp 0 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS BAT Response Matrix: Ebounds extension
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbresponse20041006v001.rsp 1 2006-05-30 EBOUNDS EBOUNDS
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbsyserr20030101v001.fits 1 2006-05-30 SYS_ERR BAT systematic error vector for 80-channel spectra
BAT NONE NONE cpf/swbsyserr20030101v002.fits 0 2006-05-30 SYS_ERR BAT systematic error vector for 80-channel spectra

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Last modified: Tuesday, 12-Oct-2021 14:35:30 EDT

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