A script to manage a local CALDB containing EXACT copies of HEASARC-supported missions.
This script prompts the user for the full path to their local Caldb. Then using this
path as the cwd it downloads
*.tar.Z files for requested mission/instruments via anonymous ftp
from the HEASARC Caldb.
As input, no parameters are required. However an optional input
parameter (dspace_check) will force the script to perform disk space checks
prior to uncompression and untarring of each file. If omitted no checks performed!
For each tar file the script then:
Uncompresses and untars the file
- Creates the appropriate directory structures
- Populates the directory tree with files
- Moves the /data/tarredcif file to
data/{mission}/{instrument}/caldb.indx (thus replacing the local
caldb.indx with the new HEASARC copy).
Each compressed tar file for a given mission/instrument contains :
- ./data/{mission}/{instrument}/../../calfilenames
- ./data/tarredcif (the caldb.indx file for the {mission}/{instrument}).
- ** ./data/{missn}/{instr}/goodfiles_{missn}_{instr}_special.ASCII
(list of all good quality cal files within the
caldb.indx together with last-modification-date
info ....this ASCII file is necessary to perform
any future up-dates to the local caldb.indx of a
HEASARC-supported mission but with personal/locally
produced datasets added).
- ** ./data/input.ASCII (contains 4 lines..{mission};{instrment},
{instrument alias}; name of special ASCII file).
The above ** files are used ONLY when the local manager is up-dating/
maintaining HEASARC-supported missions which have been CUSTOMISED to
also contain personal/locally produced datasets. i.e. they are thus
NOT used in this script.
Page author:
Michael F.
Last updated: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 10:38:23 EDT.