A script to manage a local CALDB containing HEASARC-supported
missions BUT WHERE personal/locally produced cal datasets have been added.
This script prompts the user for the full path to their local CALDB. Then using this
path as the current working directory it downloads tar files for requested mission/instruments via anonymous ftp
As input, no parameters are required. However an optional input parameter (dspace_check) will force the script to perform disk space checks prior to uncompression
and untarring of each file. If omitted no checks performed!
For each tar file the script then:
Uncompresses and untars the file
- Creates the appropriate directory structures
- Populates the directory tree with files
- Indexes any new HEASARC calibration file into the local caldb.indx:
flags the older HEASARC versions as `bad';
ignores any local datasets.
Each compressed tar file for a given mission/instrument contains :
- ./data/{mission}/{instrument}/../../calfilenames
- ./data/tarredcif (the caldb.indx file for the {mission}/{instrument}).
- ** ./data/{missn}/{instr}/goodfiles_{missn}_{instr}_special.ASCII
(list of all good quality cal files within the
caldb.indx together with last-modification-date
info ....this ASCII file is necessary to perform
any future up-dates to the local caldb.indx of a
HEASARC-supported mission but with personal/locally
produced datasets added).
- ** ./data/input.ASCII (contains 4 lines..{mission};{instrment},
{instrument alias}; name of special ASCII file).
The above ** files are used ONLY when the local manager is up-dating/
maintaining HEASARC-supported missions which have been CUSTOMISED to
also contain personal/locally produced datasets. i.e. they are thus used in this script.
Page author:
Michael F.
Last updated: Wednesday, 20-Oct-2021 10:38:21 EDT.